Tuesday, December 24, 2019
What Should I Write About Your Personal Narrative Essay
When in the course of college academics it becomes necessary to type personal narratives, without so much as a hint of a topic, it can drive a student to some rather interesting conclusions. Some of these conclusions may be as simple as â€Å"Hmm, what should I write about?†Or perhaps more complicated and â€Å"Great, it’s 2:00 A.M. the day the paper is due and I have nothing typed.†No matter the situation the creative thinking process can be greatly limited, thus I present to you the narrative of me typing my personal narrative essay. It began rather calmly in third period College English class in the middle of a warm day in September. The entire class including myself had likely been dreading the idea of typing another paper after the results of the last one, however the idea of typing a narrative instead of an essay offered a slight glimmer of hope at the end of a long dark tunnel. As the time of assigning approached a gentle stir worked its way into and aro und the frigidly chilled room. Like a shot to the knee with an arrow, our fate was laid before us. We were tasked with writing a personal narrative of three to four pages in length of any topic we choose. Now to some people that may seem like a simple undertaking, however to the majority of the class, the sudden shock of being assigned a paper that wasn’t some form of a compare and or contrast essay was enough to send brain cells into nose dives and levels of panics to heights not seen since Felix Baumgartner threw himselfShow MoreRelatednarrative essay1321 Words  | 6 PagesNarrative Essay A Brief Guide to Writing Narrative Essays Narrative writing tells a story. In essays the narrative writing could also be considered reflection or an exploration of the author s values told as a story. The author may remember his or her past, or a memorable person or event from that past, or even observe the present. When you re writing a narrative essay, loosen up. After all, you re basically just telling a story to someone, something you probably do every day in casual conversationRead MoreStructure of Personal Narrative797 Words  | 4 PagesCLRC Writing Center Structure of a Personal Narrative Essay â€Å"Narrative†is a term more commonly known as â€Å"story.†Narratives written for college or personal narratives, tell a story, usually to some point, to illustrate some truth or insight. Following are some tools to help you structure your personal narrative, breaking it down into parts. The â€Å"Hook†Start your paper with a statement about your story that catches the reader’s attention, for example: a relevant quotation, question, factRead MoreNarrative Essay1497 Words  | 6 PagesThe Narrative Essay *What is a Narrative Essay? †¢ Narrative writing tells a story. In essays, the narrative writing could also be considered reflection or an exploration of the authors values told as a story. The author may remember his or her past, or a memorable person or event from that past, or even observe the present. †¢ The author may write about: -An experience or event from his or her past. -A recent or ongoing experience or event. Read MoreHow I Am A Writer Essay1112 Words  | 5 PagesReflective As a writer, I would consider myself to be a very strong writer. When it comes to writing or having different writing assignments, I have to write everything down on a piece of paper to get my thoughts out and just let my pen flow. I tend to write essays only when I am assigned, but for the most part, I write everyday. I personally like to write about me in particular but mainly I enjoy writing about overcoming different obstacles people face in life or about the future. As a writer,Read MoreWhy I Am A English?947 Words  | 4 Pagesskills that I can now apply to future writing projects. Among many things, the three lessons that I got the most use out of are the following; how to correctly structure an essay, different methods of writing, and the personal growth that I’ve had since taking this class. With English being my second language, it is difficult for me to express myself in writing form. It is extremely frustrating to have countless ideas and opinions that I wou ld like to share with an audience, but because I am not comfortableRead MorePersonal Narrative Essay Models 3252 Words  | 14 PagesPersonal Narrative Essay Models Some may not be of high literary quality, but they do show personal transformation and reflection. Others may contain inappropriate subject matter for some communities. However, they can be very useful in encouraging students to write. By choosing a suitable model, demonstrating annotation and applying the steps of the writing process, teachers can help young adults to compose effective personal narrative essays. 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Throughout the class I did see progress, but I still struggled with the writing process with my narrative draft and revision as well as my persuasive draft and revision. I used text resources available, but that still did not give me a complete understanding not at least until I used video resources as well. ByRead MorePersonal Experience Can Have Profound Impact On Quality And Style Of Writing1332 Words  | 6 Pagesto argue that personal experience can have profound impact on quality and style of writing. This manifested in several ways. One was when he was growing up with his mom as a single parent. Two was the death of King s mother and how he eventually would have to deal with his vic es. His argument can apply to academic writing through comparing his experience to another author s. It can also apply in terms of his cultural references to comic books and films. 2. I identified 5 tips I believed that wereRead MoreHow Music Has Affected Every Person982 Words  | 4 Pagesfreshman, I did not look forward to English 1101 because I thought it would take away my creativity. My biggest fear was that there would be limits to the amount of individuality that I would be allowed to let surface in my writing. Imagine being inside of a box. Your thoughts are refined and you hope for at least one tiny hole to be punched into that box. You want to bring a new perspective and individuality to the box. If you have to be in the box, you want to make the box your own. I expected English
Monday, December 16, 2019
Pollution Allowances Is A Market Based Economy Policy Accounting Essay Free Essays
string(88) " trading is a sort of method to pull off and command pollution, is based on the market\." Pollution allowance is besides called as emanation rights. This construct is foremost introduced by John Davis in 1968 in the book â€Å" pollution, belongings and monetary value †( Opschoor, Lohman and Vos, 1994 ) . It refers to the emitters in environmental protection supervising and disposal sections ‘ quota allotment, and in the premiss to guarantee that the rights do non damage the other public environmental rights, shall bask the right to the discharge of pollutants ( Gibson, 1996 ) . We will write a custom essay sample on Pollution Allowances Is A Market Based Economy Policy Accounting Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now In 1968, when the American economic expert Davis foremost proposed this construct, its intension is the authorities as society ‘s representative and the proprietor of the environmental resources sells the right of emanation of pollutants to the highest bidders like securities ( Gibson, 1996 ) . Polluters can purchase this sort of right from the authorities, or from the defilers who have the emanation right. Polluters can besides purchase or reassign the ownership of emanation right. 1.2 characteristic of pollution allowances Pollution allowances is a market based economic system policy and economic stimulation method ( Gainesand, 1991 ) . It to the full exerts the market mechanism ‘s function in resource allotment. The features of pollution allowances are chiefly manifested in the undermentioned facets: First, a pollution allowance is an economic policy and economic stimulation method. The United Nations economic organisations and development liberty council in 1991 January proposed â€Å" proposal of utilizing economic agencies in environmental policy †and suggested members more extensively and steadfastly to follow economic steps, as other policies means complement or replacing ( Aggie, 1995 ) . This proposal put frontward four types of economic methods for mention: the first is the fees and a revenue enhancement, the 2nd is a tradable license ; the 3rd is sedimentation system ; the 4th is fiscal subsidies ( OECD, 1998 ) . From the proposal can see pollution allowance is a sort of economic methods to protect the environment. In 1992 The United Nations conference on environment and development passed the Rio declaration, the rule 16 points out â€Å" sing defilers shall bear the cost of pollution in rule point of view, national governments should do more attempts to advanc e the internalisation of environment cost and use of economic agencies, and proper attention of public involvement, and do non falsify international trade and investing. †The meeting passed the docket 21, in which chapter 8 stresses â€Å" need to do appropriate attempts, more efficient and more extended usage of economic agencies †; â€Å" Governments should see roll uping agencies of economic system and the market mechanism to set up the effectual combination of economic agencies†¦ , direct control method and the voluntary agencies ( Lehman, 1996 ) . This symbolizes that pollution allowance is wholly different from other environmental economic policies. Second, pollution allowance is a market-based pollution control manner. U.S. federal legislative acts provides a sort of â€Å" market control †manner to utilize market mechanism to forestall pollution and waste decrease marks ( Milne, 1996 ) . The cost of pollution externalization frequently causes societal equity and low economic efficiency, the market control manner is through pollution cost allotment alteration to better efficiency and equity, its get downing point is to take the pollution cost as a cost of merchandise, instead than allow it ascribe to the society. The Clean Air Act 1990 in amendments proposed system of emanation trade is a sort of typical market-based pollution control manner ( OECD, 1993 ) . Now this form more altered to the development of market economic system, so besides progressively used by authoritiess. Third, pollution allowance is by supplying ways and means to better the efficiency of the cost of administration pollution, application signifiers of economic levers to mobilise the enthusiasm of pollutant discharging endeavors, in order to recognize the pollutants cuts for the intent. It is a sort of specific and runing theoretical account, non straight reflected in its environmental aims, but to accomplish aims and supply ways and agencies ( Cook, 2009 ) . Pollution-discharge right trade can utilize the entire sum control make policy execution conditions, give full drama to the flexible economic stimulation map, do up and rectify entire sum control itself low efficiency job because of â€Å" command – control †( Lohamann, 2009 ) . Theoretical survey and pattern show that, compared with concentration control, entire sum control, particularly capacity sum control, is the effectual step to protect the environment capacity of resources. 2. Accounting intervention of pollution allowances 2.1 accounting intervention of pollution allowances As environmental direction alterations from concentration control to entire sum control, at nowadays for environmental pollution fee besides changes from originally pollutants exceeds charge to emanation charges. Chemical and papermaking industries paid blowdown will increase more 30 % – 80 % than the original, thermic power industry ‘s paid blowdown will better about 10 times ( Aggie, 1995 ) . For pollution emanation endeavors, environmental policy is an endeavor ‘s of import economic policy, implement a policy measures taken, and its related assets, liabilities, income and contemplation control is besides more and more by the authorities, the society and the endeavor concerned. At present in the endeavor accounting system still merely at direction disbursals ‘ item undertaking â€Å" pollution fees †check endeavors ‘ paid blowdown. This pattern defects are as follows, foremost, because the authorities is charged pollution fees harmonizing to à ¢â‚¬Å" who pollute pay the fees †rule, such charge policy can non efficaciously motivate endeavors to actively command pollution and cut down emanations, the whole society can non recognize the sustainable development ends ( Opschoor, Lohman and Vos, 1994 ) . Second, because the environment ‘s limited pollution suiting ability and the scarceness nature of pollutants dismissed power, enterprises existent pollution emanation right shall be reflected as the endeavor resources in accounting statements, should non be used as fees. Third, from tradable emanation in the universe, some endeavors already join the sub undertakings or specific countries of pollution-discharge right trade program, in the world of pollution-discharge right trade for its comparative slowdown of the accounting criterion, and hapless maneuverability, brings trouble to the endeavors to reflect and command trading affairs needfully, and impact the accounting information determination utility. 2.2 development of emanation trading Emission trading is a sort of method to pull off and command pollution, is based on the market. You read "Pollution Allowances Is A Market Based Economy Policy Accounting Essay" in category "Essay examples" The execution of emanation right by and large is done by the environmental administrative sections under the selected restricted country or within sections, which design limited emanations and cap-and-trade plan, to give emitters ‘ quota ( Gainesand, 1991 ) . The competent sections harmonizing to the achieved decrease ends lessening quota twelvemonth by twelvemonth. This provides trading platform for emanation right. Emission trade thought is derived from â€Å" Kose theorem †, every bit long as the market dealing cost is zero, no affair what the initial belongings constellation position is, through the dealing can accomplish the optimum allotment of resources ( Aggie, 1995 ) . Emission trading is foremost used by the us federal agency in air pollution and river pollution direction, particularly since in 1990 it was used in entire SO2 emanations control, has achieved the unprecedented success, has achieved great economic benefits and societal benefits. Harmonizing to the entire U.S. accounting house estimates, American emanations are evidently controlled, at the same clip, the cost of pull offing pollution is saved by about 2 billion dollars ( Lehman, 1996 ) . Germany, Australia, UK and other states in turn conduct emanation portion trade policies and patterns. Already officially effectual Kyoto protocol besides proposes that from 2008, states can carry on emanation trading ends. The European Union has launched â€Å" waste gas emanation trading system †, seeking to utilize market economic agencies, use the â€Å" unseeable manus †to force European endeavors to take part in the procedure of nursery gas emanation decrease. The EU ‘s â€Å" exhaust emanation trading market †is the first international emanation trading market. The European committee harmonizing to â€Å" the entire control, divide the load †rule foremost identified each member C emanations, once more by each member assigned to the several national endeavors. As for allotment manner, each member authorities should apportion at least 95 % of quotas free to endeavors ; the staying 5 % quota can be adopted bidding manner ( IASB, 2010 ) . 3. Accounting issue of pollution allowances 3.1 verification of pollution allowance Emission right as a production factor is scarce and valuable, besides has the possibility of appreciation income ( Milne, 1996 ) . Harmonizing to the recognized accounting patterns, assets are defined as a consequence of past events and formed by endeavor control, and is expected to bring forth economic benefits to the endeavor resources. International accounting standard 38 â€Å" intangible assets †defines emanation right is granted by the authorities, and it is a specific signifier of the franchise right. As for the confirm scope job of intangible assets of pollution-discharge right, how to reasonably and rightly allow the initial emanation quotas to endeavors is a trouble. Western states in pattern the initial emanation rights ‘ allotment methods normally include bide, administer freely and fixed monetary value sell these 3 sorts. In position of the differences of pattern, in order to reliably step emanation trade value, accounting merely confirms the emanation righ ts through understanding mode transferred or purchased. When the active pollution-discharge right trade market is bit by bit formed, authorities freely distributed pollution-discharge right can be besides confirmed as intangible assets in the engagement. 3.2 measuring of pollution allowance â€Å" Quota emanations and cap-and-trade program †will configure the participating topic ( participants ) emanations and cut their emanation quota to a certain degree ( viz. quota ) ends ( Cook, 2009 ) . By and large the quota granted by competent authorities sections to the participants is equal to the figure of the bound. â€Å" A bound emanations and cap-and-trade program †set the operation clip is a twelvemonth, and an execution of quotas normally is granted during the period to participants ( Lohmann, 2009 ) , by and large after the execution verify the existent emanations. Participants can freely purchase or sell emanation quotas, hence, the participants have three picks: can restrict its emanations ; can cut down their emanations below the quota and sell portion of them ; can bring forth more than its bound emanations, in this instance they must buy the exceeded portion emanations quota and bear the penalty. Participating endeavors should in the beginning of e ach program confirm achieved emanation. After the execution of programs, the participants are asked to pay the existent emanation quotas. If the participants can non present the adequate quotas, so must defy higher penalty. Participants held emanation quotas shall be entered an point in an history as intangible assets, and the attesting value is the existent payment. When participants ‘ emanation occurs, the already happened emanations quota duty is recognised as a liability. Should pay attending, emanation quotas ‘ obtain do non make net assets or net liabilities. 3.3 revelation of emanation trading About emanation trading fiscal place, runing consequences and hard currency flows information, participants should first study emanation quotas in the balance sheet ( Aggie, 1995 ) . Due to take part in emanation program, doing some assets expected generated hard currency flow cut down, and the damage of information shall be disclosed. Second, more information is disclosed in off-balance-sheet, including corporate revelation of the purchase and sale of pollution-discharge right trade volume and the measure. At the same clip reflecting emanation of the market monetary value alterations, and endeavors ‘ emanation trading fluctuant circumstance, this information for constructing a successful effectual pollution-discharge right trade market is really necessary. Held emanation quotas may be farther subdivided into initial awarded quotas and subsequently in the trading market purchase quota, harmonizing to the different sorts of pollution index cleavage. If a company held emanation q uotas is more than initial allotment measure, this explains endeavors in emanation market purchase emanation right. 4. Significance of pollution allowance Since Emission trade is put frontward in 1960s, particularly in 1990 it is used in SO2 field, has won great economic benefits and societal benefits. But as for the current emanation trade consequence and intending even the most successful American in pattern at that place have different sentiments. In the United States, such as New Mexico senator Minnixi calls it as â€Å" 1980s the most promising scenario †( Aggie, 1995 ) . China ‘s many bookmans besides think, compared with traditional environmental direction manner, the broad application of market thought, will be more effectual to cut down pollution emanations. And some bookmans but think this sort of environmental direction agencies is non every bit perfect as imaginativeness. For illustration the American natural resources protection association of attorneies, the federal agency of air pollution ‘s former manager in 1986 conversation regarded this policy as a â€Å" cozenage †to let companies to incr ease pollution. At the same clip emanations ‘ trading in China is besides criticized by many bookmans, they think this policy is merely to copy the western jurisprudence, in China it has non wholly the possibility to win. I think that sufficient and sensible scene and building of pollution-discharge right trade market system can advance China ‘s air pollution and H2O pollution bar and control work and it is an of import manner of sustainable development. In the hereafter whether China ‘s air and H2O environment protection can acquire more advancement depends on whether signifier the existent significance of pollution-discharge right trade market, it non merely has economic value, more greatly environmental value. In Summary, the significance of emanation trading chiefly include the undermentioned facets: to cut the whole societal cost, efficaciously better the efficiency of pull offing pollution ; to advance companies ‘ invention, better pollution engineering ; to organize economic development and environment protection to heighten international fight ; to better the quality of environment enforcement. Decision In the decision that pollution allowances represent assets that should be reported on the balance sheets of companies entitled to such allowances. Emission trade development makes the research on emanation trade accounting issue has of import realistic significance. This paper analyzes emanation of initial acknowledgment and measuring, and concluding revelation and so on a series of accounting jobs. How to cite Pollution Allowances Is A Market Based Economy Policy Accounting Essay, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Fashion and Its Trends free essay sample
People wore garments in the past for they can maintain warm body temperature. But times have changed. If you’re not wearing something fashionable, you just not cool. Fashion is an arbitrary mistress to whom most women are slaves, but though her mandates are often unreasonable and not seldom absurd, she is followed willingly. Men’s attitude towards fashion is neither negative nor favorable. They pretend that they’re unable to detect distinctions between the latest model and hopelessly out-of-date garment. Men like to wear smart clothes though they just don’t want to reveal it. Men’s fashions change slowly and, unlike women they are not crazy about ultra-fashionable brand-new clothes Beauty has always preoccupied women. â€Å"There has been the enormous change from girls being principally concerned with good works to now being concerned with good looks as a measure of their self-worth. †says Joan Brumberg, co-creator of American fashion magazine. We will write a custom essay sample on Fashion and Its Trends or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page And it’s true, in most cases women care about their appearance, following the new trends in fashion. The most persistent fashion-mongers try to be in very first rank of fashion, watch all luxurious fashion shows, imitate model’s style, they stand in queues to be first to embrace a brand-new blouse or something else. And majority of people run with a crowd and buy fashionable garment to keep up with the new trends of the season. But not all people behave themselves in such way. There are people who separate themselves from the fashion addicted ones. They are often dressed in dirty jeans and old boots, it’s their way of saying that they don’t care what most people think. Fashion evolves through the years. I’m going to mention only the most representative fashion cultures, that marks a significant change in the world culture. The first group were Teddy Boys. The clothing that T-Boys wore was designed to shock their parents generation. It consists of an Edwardian style drape jacket with velvet collar, suede Gibson shoes with thick crepe soles, narrow drainpipe trousers, a smart shirt and a loud tie. In the mid-sixties appeared Mods. Riding a scooter is one of the important points that became part of their wardrobe as well. Mod boys always have a neat, clean and simple style. They wearing make up and sometimes also handbags. They also wear a neat suit consisting of: a straight jacket and pants and pointed shoes. Rockers are associated with a specific music genre and clothing style. The rocker fashion was born out of necessity and practicality. They wore Levi’s jeans or leather pants and motorcycle boots to ride powerful motorbikes. The 60s were times of revolution. The hippie clothes, psychedelic colors and groovy elements are most distinguishes features of that times.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Three Types Of Speeches Essays (1556 words) - Communication
Three Types Of Speeches To answer this question I will use three types of speeches. Of those three types of speeches I will create three speeches to give. The speech formats that I will use are speeches to entertain, speeches to inform, and speeches to persuade. For my speech to entertain, I will talk about my life. For my speech to inform, I will talk about drums. For my speech to persuade, I will talk about how television violence has negative effects on children. To organize my speech to entertain, I would start by making an outline to go by. On the outline, I would separate into groups the most important parts of my life. The first group of my life that I would talk about is about me growing up and where I lived. The second group I would talk about is my interests and hobbies. The last thing I would talk about is my life right now. I would also include an introduction and a conclusion. In order to better help the listeners to visualize what I am talking about, I would bring pictures of things that have to do with my life. I would also make an overhead with the outline on it so they could follow along with the speech better. I would be sure to move around and use hand gestures to make points more clearly. This would also hold the interest of the listeners better. I think this format would be helpful to my listeners because it is very organized, and it includes many things to hold their interest. To organize my speech to inform, I would again start by making an outline. To start off, I would begin by explaining the basic parts of a drum set and what they do. I would then explain who makes the parts of the drums and cymbals. Next I would talk about how drums and cymbals are made. I would then explain what they are made of. I would again use an introduction and a conclusion. My visual aid that I would use would be an overhead containing the basic parts to a drum set. This would be so the listeners could see what I was talking about. I would also bring pictures of different drum sets. During my speech, I would be sure to move around the front of the room and use my hands while talking. I think that this format and the visual aids would be the best way to help the listeners understand the speech. For my speech to persuade, I would talk about television violence and the effects it has on children. I would start out by making an outline containing the parts of my speech. The first part would be to talk about how television violence triggers aggression in children. The second part would be how it puts fear in children. The third part I would talk about would be how children become desensitized to real world violence by watching violence on television. I would include an introduction and a conclusion in my speech as well. For a visual aid, I would use an overhead containing statistics to prove my theory. I would be sure to include in my speech the references from which I derived my information. This is important especially in a persuasive speech because the listeners are more likely to be persuaded if they can see actual statistics from authority figures. I would be sure to use hand gestures and be energetic to hold the attention of the listeners. It is very important that I hold their attention so they can see the problem as it is. To conclude this half of the assignment, I will go over the things I have just talked about. First I talked about how to do a speech of entertainment and what would make it a successful speech. Second I talked about how to do a speech of information and how to make it a successful speech. Then I talked about how to do a speech of persuasion and how to best persuade the listeners. Thank you and have a wonderful day!!!! Question 3 This question to me is a lot harder than the first one.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Lab Report Digestion Essay Example
Lab Report Digestion Essay Example Lab Report Digestion Paper Lab Report Digestion Paper These large molecules cannot cross last membranes intact to be absorbed from the lumen of the digestive tract into the blood or lymph; hence, it must undergo degradation in size (Sherwood, 2013). This degradation process is catcalled by hydrolysis enzymes, which split large molecules into smaller, observable units by combining with water. (Similarity, 2013) The hydrolysis of molecules becomes more effective by the release of specific enzymes that works at optimum pH in different regions of digestive tract. The three major GIG hormones are gastric from the stomach mucosa, secreting and collections (KC) from the duodenal mucosa. Gastric is released primarily in response to protein in the stomach, and its effects promote digestion of protein. Secreting is released in response to acid in the duodenum, and its effects will neutralize the acid. KC is released in response to fat in the duodenum, and its effects optimize conditions for fat digestion reactions. (Sherwood, 201 3) Digestion of carbohydrates begins in the mouth (salivary digestion), where the salivary glands (sublunary, subliminal or parroted) will secrete an amylase called fatality that begins the hydrolysis of complex polysaccharides: Plant extraterrestrial glycogen I Amylase Disaccharide(maltose, sucrose, lactose) I Fatality has an optimum pH of around 6. 8, which is roughly the pH found in the mouth. Protein digestion begins in the stomach (gastric digestion) where the enzyme pepsin splits proteins to shorter polypeptide chains containing amino acids. Secretion and activation of pepsin occurs as follows: Possession(chief cells) WHQL (parietal cells) I Pepsin I Besides activating possession, HCI provides the stomach a pH of 2, so the pepsin activity works at optimum level. For digestion of fat, pancreatic lipase reaction must be aided with the presence of bile salts as an emulsifier. Lipase is a water-soluble enzyme, and it is not effective alone to act on the large lipid droplets which are water insoluble. Bile salts emulsify by breaking the fat into smaller droplets so that lipase has a larger surface area for the hydrolysis of fats. The pancreas also aids digestion by secreting sodium bicarbonate. This compound provides a pH of around 7. 8 in the small intestine, which is optimal for the action of the pancreatic enzymes (Similarity, 2013). 2. 0. OBJECTIVES * To examine the action of some of the key digestive enzymes and the factors that can alter their activities. 3. 0. MATERIALS AND METHODS 3. 1. Materials Test tubes (15 20 ml), test tube clamps, measuring cylinders (10 ml), watch glass, pH paper, water baths with test tube racks, hard-boiled egg whites, 1% acetic acid, 1% pancreatic solution in 0. 2% NAACP, 0. 5% starch paste, Logos solution, Benedicts solution, 5% pepsin solution, 0. 5% HCI, concentrated HCI, 0. 5% Noah, ice, powdered litmus, litmus paper. 3. 2. Methods 3. 2. 1 . Activity 1 1 . About 10 ml of human saliva (fresh) is collected in a graduated cylinder. 2. A small amount of saliva is placed in a watch glass and a few drops of 1% acetic acid are added. A precipitate indicated that the present of music (a globetrotting) is indicated by precipitate occurrences. 3. Four test tubes are prepared and labeled as follows: Tube 1 | Tube 2 | Tube? I Tube 4 | 3 ml starch+3 ml waterlines water bath | 3 ml starch+3 ml saliva inch water bath 3 ml starch (cooled)+3 ml saliva (cooled)inline bath | 3 ml starch+3 ml saliva+5 drops con Histrionic water bath I 4. Half of each tubes contents are poured into a new test tube each respectively after the tubes are incubated for 1 hour. One set of tubes is tested for: 5. 1. Starch (Logos solution) 5. 1 . 1. Ropes of Logos solution is added to each tube. Presence of starch is indicated by dark purple color occurrences. The amount of starch is indicated by the shades of reddish brown. 5. 1. 2. The amount of starch is rated based on the intensity (++4), (+4), or G). 5. 2. Maltose (Benedicts solution) 5. 1. 3. 4 ml of Benedicts solution is added to each tube. The tubes are then placed in a boiling water bath fo r 2 minutes. 5. 1. 5. The tubes are removed using a clamp and the concentration of maltose is compared using the following scale: red (+++), orange-yellow (++), green (+), blue (-). 3. 2. 2. Activity 1 . Thin slices of cooked egg white with same size (about 0. 5 cam) are placed in four test tubes. 2. Following solutions are added to the tubes and the pH of each tube is determined: Tube 1 | Tube 2 | Tube 3 | Tube 4 | 5 ml pepsin(5 % solution)+5 ml HCI(O. 5 %) | 5 ml pepsin(5 % solution)+5 ml water | 5 ml HCI(O. 5 ml water | 5 ml pepsin(5 % solution)+5 ml Noah(O. 5 96) | 3. The tubes are allowed to incubate in a teacher bath for 1 hour. The final pH of the solutions is tested and the amount of protein digestion is estimated using a scale of (+++), (++), (+), and (-) by comparing the four tubes. . 0. RESULTS 4. 1. Activity 1 pH of saliva: 6. Presence of Music: present Table 1: Reaction of saliva in 4 different conditions of tubes Tube I Starch I Maltose I Explanation I 1. Water I 2. Saliva I +++ _ 3. Cooled saliva I ++ I 4. Saliva,HCI 1+1 I 4. 2. Activity 2 Table 2: Reaction of pepsin in 4 different conditions of tubes Tube Initial pH Final pH I Estimated digestion Explanation 1 1. P epsin,HCI 1 31 31 +++ I phi caused from the HCI presence and is optimum for pepsin activity so the amount of protein digestion is highest among others. 1 2. Pepsin,water 1 51 61 ++ I The H is 5 which higher than optimum pH of pepsin and pepsin is not in acidic environment. Thus, the amount of protein digestion is lower than tube 1. | 3. HCI,water 1 31 31 +1 The pH is already optimum for pepsin but there is absence of pepsin. Thus, the amount of protein digestion is the lowest. 4. Pepsin,Noah | 14 | 14 I Pepsin work best in acidic environment, not alkaline. Thus, there is no protein digestion occurred. | 5. 0. POST-LAB QUESTION 5. 1. Salivary Digestion of Carbohydrates 1. Function of music in the mouth: Acts as lubricant for easier swallowing and protects the mouth lining from abrasion. 2. Indicate the relative amounts of starch and maltose after incubation. . What in vivo (in the body) situation is simulated by the conditions in tube 4? The hydrolysis of carbohydrates by the act of fatality is inhibited. 4. Does fatality hydrolysis of carbohydrate continue in the stomach? No, the enzyme become inactive soon the food environment is below 4. 0, which the stomach is, by the action of HCI secreted. 5. Where else is amylase secreted in the digestive system ? Pancreas, and is called pancreatic amylase. 5. 2. Gastric Digestion of Protein 1 . What in vivo (in the body) situation is simulated by the conditions in tube 4? Pepsin cannot digest protein in alkaline pH environment. 2. Which other enzyme have major proteolysis activities in the digestive tract? Trapshooting, comprehension and prestidigitations 3. A person with chlorinated has defective secretion by the parietal cells. What is the physiological effect of chlorinated in the body? If the HCI is absent in the stomach, protein digestion will be severely impaired, the effect can be associated with pernicious anemia, stomach cancer and pellagra. 4. What is the function of the mucous cells in the gastric pits? i. Protects the gastric mucosa against mechanical injury through its lubricating properties. Protects the stomach wall from self-digestion due to pepsin iii. Protects gastric lining against acid injury by neutralizing HCI secretions through its alkaline properties without interrupt the function of HCI in lumen. 6. 0. DISCUSSION All food ingested will go along through alimentary canal until it is secreted. Carbohydrates group will undergo digestion first along the way since the enzyme amylase that is responsible to digest the nutrient present in the saliva in the mouth. Besides having amylase to initiates chemical digestion, saliva also retests oral cavity, such as music. Music is a slippery globetrotting that protects the mouth from friction or erosion whilst undergo mastication (Campbell, et al. , 2008). Salivary amylase helps the carbohydrates digestion by hydrolysis complex polysaccharides to disaccharide and a-limit Dexedrine, that later will be broken down even further by other enzymes into incarcerations, a unit of nutrient that is observable (Sherwood, 2013). Tube 1 shows slowest reaction because there is no enzyme that can act upon starch or maltose present inside. The reaction will be different if there is implement enzyme present because enzyme functions as catalysts, agents that selectively speed up chemical reaction without being consumed by the reaction (Campbell, et al. , 2008). Hence, tube 1 will react as a control for the results in other tube in Table 1. In tube 2 that containing saliva, there is consistent reaction occur in starch but no in maltose. It is because saliva contain salivary amylase; enzyme that hydrolysis complex polysaccharides such as starch, consisting polysaccharides amylase (unbranded chain of glucose) and implementation (branched chain of glucose) into smaller polysaccharides (Sherwood, 2013). Since amylase is selectively reacting to polysaccharides, so it does not affect the reaction of maltose, which is a disaccharide. For tube 3 that containing saliva that is cooled, the reaction of starch is slower than tube 2, while the reaction of maltose is same as other previous tube that test on maltose which is no reaction. Enzyme works best at its optimum temperature that is 37 co which is the normal body temperature (Campbell Ferret, 2012). Any drops in the temperature will slower the enzymatic reaction like the cooled saliva containing amylase in tube 3. For tube 4, the pH environment is not suitable for amylase to take action. Fatality or amylase has an optimum pH of around 6. 8 (Similarity, 2013), so the acidic environment would inhibit the enzyme, resulted in very slow reaction of starch, and the no reaction in maltose like other tube. Protein group begins it digestive process in the stomach mantra, which containing enzyme pepsin that responsible in hydroplaning protein to peptide fragment, that soon undergo further breakdown by the act of other enzyme until it become nutrient unit that is observable which is amino acid (Sherwood, 2013). For activity 2, the rating of the results will be based on the intensity of the rupture of albumin textures. Based on Table 2, tube 1 has the most reaction of protein digestion compared to tube 2, 3 and 4. It is because enzyme pepsin works best at pH of 2 (Campbell Ferret, 2012), and tube 1 has the nearest pH preferable that is 3, being provided by the present of HCI. It can be observed that the part of the albumin is fragmented. Tube 2 has the second protein digestion because the pH environment is not too acidic for pepsin to act. Hence, there is less fragment resulted at the albumin in tube 2. Since there is no present of pepsin, the digestive process for tube 3 comes in third because there is no enzymatic reaction occurs although the pH reading for tube 3 is near to the optimum pH of pepsin activity.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Unmarried Women Are More Politically Liberal. Heres Why.
Unmarried Women Are More Politically Liberal. Heres Why. Theres long been evidence that unmarried women are more politically liberal than married ones, but theres never been a good explanation for why this is the case. Now there is. Sociologist Kelsy Kretschmer of Oregon State University (OSU) found that women who are not married tend to be more concerned about the social status of women as a group, which makes them more politically liberal and likely to vote Democrat than married women. Kretschmer told the American Sociological Association (ASA), Over 67 percent of never married women and 66 percent of divorced women perceive what happens to other women as having some or a lot to do with what happens in their own lives. Only 56.5 percent of married women hold the same views. Kretschmer presented the study, coauthored with OSU political scientist Christopher Stout and sociologist Leah Ruppanner of the University of Melbourne, at the August 2015 meeting of the ASA in Chicago. There, she explained that women who are not married are more likely to have a strong sense of linked fate, which is the belief that what happens in their own lives is connected to the social status of women as a group in society. This means they are more likely to believe that gender inequalitymanifested for instance in the gender pay gap, the gender wealth gap, and discrimination in education and the work placehas a significant impact on their own life chances. To conduct the study, the researchers drew from the 2010 American National Election Study and included data from women respondents 18 years and older, who they sorted as married, never married, divorced, or widowed. Using this data, they found that a sense of linked fate has a significant impact on ones political orientation and behavior. Using statistical analysis the researchers were able to rule out income, employment, children, and views on gender roles and discrimination as factors that explain away the gap in political preference between married and unmarried women. A sense of linked fate is in fact the decisive variable. Kretschmer told the ASA that women with a sense of gendered linked fate, who tend to be unmarried, think in terms of what will benefit women as a group. This means that they are likely to support candidates who promote, and political measures for, things like wage equality, workplace protections for pregnancy and maternity leave, anti-domestic violence laws, and welfare expansion. Kretschmer and her colleagues were motivated to do this study because the concept of linked fate has been used by other sociologists to help explain why strong racialized voting patterns exist among Blacks and Latinos in the U.S., but not among other racial groups. The concept had never been used to examine political behavior among women, which is what makes the study and its results notable and important. The study also revealed that women who have never been married are more likely than those who are married to believe that is important to have women politicians, and that married and widowed women demonstrated the same degrees of linked fate. The researchers pointed out that widowed women are likely to still be engaged in the marriage institution via things like a husbands pension or social security, so they tend to think and act more like women who are married than those who are not (never been, or divorced). While notable, its important to recognize that this study demonstrations a correlation between marriage status and a sense of linked fate, and not causation. At this point it is impossible to say whether linked fate influences whether or not a woman will get married, or if getting married can reduce or eliminate it. Its possible that future research will shed light on this, but what we can conclude, sociologically speaking, is that cultivating a sense of linked fate among women is necessary to making political and social change that advances equality.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Philosophy class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Philosophy class - Essay Example This foundational belief is no other than the cogito, i.e. the â€Å"I†. But how does Descartes arrive at the cogito? On what grounds is Descartes certain that this â€Å"I†, which he claims to be the foundation of all his knowledge, is invulnerable from any deceiver? These are the questions that I shall systematically address throughout this essay. Let me begin with Descartes’ vision. Descartes had a vision, a plan to establish a unified physical science wherein all sciences would form into one systematic whole. This unified science was, for Descartes, a rationalistic one. For, it ought to be based on the methods and principles of mathematics. Why mathematics? For mathematics is the only reliable means for arriving at genuine knowledge of reality, i.e. truth. Indeed, truth was Descartes’ passion. He sought to find this truth even if it means overthrowing all his existing beliefs. For, he realized that all his ideas were doubtful and all his beliefs are fa lse. Of course, how can one claim to have knowledge if the very foundations for my knowledge are either doubtful or false? It is in this regard that he decided to overthrow all these existing beliefs and ideas and use only reason as his sole basis for establishing a permanent truth. Herein, mathematics was Descartes solution. He will use mathematics as his model for his use of reason, in achieving absolute certainty. What is so special about the methods of mathematics? Mathematics uses two principal mental operations: intuition and deduction. It is in this regard that Descartes’ goal as a philosopher is to build a system of philosophy based on intuition and deduction. For, his ultimate goal was to do a total reconstruction of human knowledge. He was determined to find his self-evident or foundational principle, which will serve as his first principle, from which absolutely certainty can be deduced. But what are the requirements for such a foundational belief? First, it has to be clear and distinct insofar that it cannot be doubted. Second, It should be absolute and independent, and should not be based on any other belief. And third, it should be something that exists. So given these said requirements, how then will Descartes establish his foundational belief? Descartes will use the method of doubt, which he terms methodological skepticism. He defines this as the use of doubt methodologically, in order to arrive at true knowledge (Lavine, 1984). So, in doubting all his beliefs and ideas, he classifies then into categories, starting with his beliefs on sense perception. Why? Descartes says that these are by nature, deceptive, and that we cannot tell whether we are dreaming or not. Next, he doubted his beliefs in material objects. Why? For material objects and the physical world are based upon sense perception, which we have established to be deceptive. Third are his beliefs on natural sciences. Why? For it uses objects that are based on sense perception, which we have already established to be deceptive and thus untrustworthy. And fourth, Descartes surprisingly doubted his belief in mathematics. Herein, he invented a malevolent demon that conditions his mind and deceives him with his mathematical ideas. For, even if mathematics is his sole basis for clear and distinct ideas, he sometimes falls into error. One may wonder, why does he have to create a demon to doubt his belief in mathematics? Mathematics was just one of Descartes’ reasons for inventing this demon. For, he uses this
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Reality television Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Reality television - Essay Example This has created two different audience that watch shows on televisions. We have one with high intellectual appeal, and the other one with low intellectual appeal. With these two groups, Scripted Television Shows and unscripted Television Shows are created to make each group with the shows they watch. With Scripted shows, shows are penned script handed to performer only to perform according to the commands of the show-runner or the director. This is different with the unscripted shows that are broadcasted with the news reporters improvising the information to make it more appealing over the scripted one. Shows like Survivor, American Idol and Real housewives of New Jersey can help us in expounding the argument. All of these shows are reality based shows, but their targeted audience differs. For the Survivor, the audience is a group of people that have an adventurous, out-going and a courageous state of mind. For the American idol, the demographic market is varied with mixed audience watching this program. College students, high school kids, sub-urban housewives and teenage girls have their share in making American idol a success. The Real Housewives of New Jersey are kind of shows that appeals to both sub-urban and rural house wives by incorporating issues such as gossips, divorce and infidelity as their character (Neil 1). The 2nd biggest media industry in the world is India. In terms of revenue, it is the chief competitor to the Hollywood. In 2003, India had the first performance of its first reality television series Roadies. The ground of the show was to bring contestants from all over India together. Sixteen contestants from the four cities were selected in the audition for the journey in all over India. In the journey, they were to perform one contestant to be eliminated from each round. The premise of the show was essentially an Indian version of the American hit series â€Å"Survivor†, but the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Significant Nutrition Problems Essay Example for Free
Significant Nutrition Problems Essay 1. List 3 significant nutrition problems associated with obesity in young children and adolescents. Cite references.            Three significant nutrition problems associated with childhood and adolescent obesity are hypothyroidism, type II diabetes, and dyslipidemia (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2007). Hypothyroidism is the failure of the thyroid to produce thyroid hormones which is caused by certain nutrition problems such as increased cholesterol levels and low serum sodium. Type II diabetes is a condition wherein the body fails to properly utilize insulin due to the increase in glucose. Finally, dyslipidemia is a condition characterized by high blood cholesterol and increased triglycerides mainly due to consumption of foods high in fat (United States National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health, 2008). Factors that increase iron deficiency in older adults.            Among older adults, there are several factors that increase the occurrence of iron deficiency. These include the diet, age, and physical condition. Basically as people age, their physical abilities wear down, such as losing their teeth, and they tend to consume less food. As a result, the amount of iron in their body goes down. Another major factor is internal bleeding which is usually caused by tumors and ulcers among old people (KomoTV, 2008). When old people bleed, they lose iron and this eventually leads to iron deficiency. Food and Nutrition Information Center            Basically, the difference between the food pyramid of old people and the food pyramid of children is that in the former there is more emphasis on the intake of foods that have more fiber and vitamins and less calories such as fruits and vegetables while the latter focuses more on whole grain foods and also fruits and vegetables. I believe that any older adult or child can adhere to the guidelines set by the pyramid because it is basically easy to follow. The only thing that hinders children from following the pyramid is the lack of guidance from parents while in older adults, there is lack of discipline. Otherwise, I believe that any person, no matter how young or old he or she is can follow these guidelines and be able to live a healthy life.  References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2007). Obesity and Overweight. Retrieved April 24, 2008 from http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/obesity/faq.htm. KotoTV.com. (2008). Iron Deficiency. Retrieved April 24, 2008 from http://ww3.komotv.com/global/story.asp?s=1230142. United States Department of Agriculture. (2008). Dietary Guidance: Food Guide Pyramid. Food and Nutrition Information Center. Retrieved April 24, 2008 from http://fnic.nal.usda.gov/nal_display/index.php?info_center=4tax_level=2tax_subject=256topic_id=1348. United States National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health. (2008). High blood cholesterol and triglycerides. MedlinePlus. Retrieved April 24, 2008 from http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000403.htm. United States National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health. (2007). Hypothyroidism. MedlinePlus. Retrieved April 24, 2008 from http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000353.htm. United States National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health. (2007). Type 2 diabetes. MedlinePlus. Retrieved April 24, 2008 from http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000313.htm.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
A Report on Lifeline for Children’s Choir Directors Essay -- Choir Cho
Mrs. Bartle employs a little bit of four of each of the methods shared in (the vocal pedagogy) class. She uses a lot of the Westminister method but borrows from the others. The others she borrows from are Christiansen, Fred Warning and Wilson/Klein. Much of what she writes, is from her own life’s career experiences as a choral director. The first subject she deals with is the director’s attitude. A director should have a positive attitude. (p. 3, Bartle) In chapter two she discusses the development of a child’s voice in a mechanistic way. She wants the ’flutety’ sound of a child’s voice developed, between the ages 6-8. (ps. 7-9) This reminds me of the Westminister method. She tells how to help a child that has problems sing on ’center’. (ps. 13-15.) She tells how to help children pronounce their vowels when they sing. She does this by demonstrating the position of the jaw with a rubber band. She also teaches children how to form vowels and diphthongs with their mouths. (ps. 19-21) She gives some mechanistic methods on how to develop good diction with nonsense word drills and by exaggerating consonants as they whisper words. (ps. 22-3) This reminds me of the Fred Warning emphasis on good pronunciation. She gives some reasons why a children’s choir may sing flat or sharp, and then gives some mechanistic ways to fix them. (p. 27) A choir director must fix his own hearing, before they can get to ’first base’, with their choir members. They can do this by listening to some Bach chorales, then leave them for a week, come back and play them several times, then write them down on a manuscript. (p. 27) She discusses the many ways of teaching children rhythm, but she also advises, †let us not disregard the old†. (ps. 28-9) She a... ...aguar the loyalty of a Dog the charm of a Kitten and the appearance of a Sea It would also be helpful if he has: a bag full of tricks a head full of Tools a lifetime of Ideas a background of a few failures as well as success and a heart full of hope and faith in people.†(ps. 155-6) At the very end of the book, she has a bibliography of twenty-six sources, and six commentators of note such as Sir David Willcocks. (ps.157-9) I enjoyed reading this book. This book would be a handy aid in assisting any Children’s Choir Director. I like the way she borrows from a lot of methodologies to develop her own. By burrowing she has developed a very good way to direct choirs. Work Cited. Bartle, Jean Ashworth Lifeline for Children’s Choir Directors. Published by Gordon V. Thompson Music, a Division of Canada Publishing Corporation. Toronto, Canada. 1988.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Eye Donation
EYE DONATION- A NOBLE ACT, WITH AN ADDED RESPONSIBILITY – S BALACHANDRAN, CGM, SBT I am just watching the 200th episode of the Surya TV’s popular programme â€Å"Deal or No Deal†featuring film star Mukhesh with Sri Kochouseph, promoter and CEO of V-Guard group and Rev. Father Chirammel. It seems more than a concidence that when I sat down to pen my thoughts on Organ donation, specially Eye-donation, this episode is playing on my Television set.More than his entrepreneurial skill and management acumen Sri Kochouseph has been a personality for whom I have immense admiration on account of his rare humanitarian act a few years back when he donated a kidney for a needy patient and thus gave a new meaning and dimension to the much sullied and murky field of organ donation. Rev Father Chirammel was the person who prompted Sri Kochouseph to do this noble act. I am sure, the act of Sri Kochouseph would have sent out a message that one can be a donor of an organ without a ny fear of one’s own health and as a pure act of philanthropy.I am sure more and more people , healthy people, would come forward to be donors without any monetary consideration. This reminds me of the supreme act of compassion shown by the doctor-couple fromTrichy a few years back. Their only son, was fatally involved in a motor accident on the Chennai highway. The parents rushed to the spot on hearing the news, only to see their only child, a son who they thiught would continue their noble profession, was in an almost critical state, with all symptoms ofan impending brain death.The couple were flooded with phone calls from friends who offered the best of treatment if the boy could be brought to Chennai. Fully equipped ambulance was ready to carry out the job. The couple with prayers on their lips and dwindling hope in their hearts, accompanied the injured son in the vehicle, on its one hour journey. But the boy couldnot complete the journey and his brain switched off enrout e. That was a moment when any parent would stop behaving rationally or with balance.Yet it was the mother who held her mind and suggested to her husband that they hurry with the body to the nearest best hospital, so that all the vital organs of the body could be salvaged and donated to needy persons. The husband did the rest by phoning up his friends anout their decision and requesting them to make arrangements for the extraction of the vital organs from their son’s body and arranging to locate needy recepients .Cutting the long story short, today, this doctor-parents live with the satisfaction of their son still living through the four lives whom he saved in his death. The celstial level of their magnanimity is fit to be lauded in golden words. It is special persons like Sri Kochouseph and the doctors who inspire me. Of the ever increasing throng of persons needing oirgan transplants, it is the persons with Corneal blindness, who toip the list.I rememebr having read that in India there are over 5 milion persons with this type of blindness, which can be cured if they can get suitable donors, in time. The easiest part of eye donation is that the donor can pledge to donate his eyes and the actual donation needs to be done only on the death of the donor. Having been a compulsive, voluntary blood donor ever since I reached the age of 19, I was much pained, when, in 2002 I was advised that I could no longer donate blood since I was hypertensive.I had to cry a halt to my unbroken saga of 62 blood donations for 31 years. It was then that I decided to donate my eyes on my death. The only prayer I have today is that my eyes should be worthy of use at that time. This adds a major responsibility on me to keep my self safe from ailments that would affect the usability of my eyes. If my daily prayers include a wish to protect me from debilitating ailments, it is more to protect my eyes for whoever the recepient could be†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Investments Homeword
MGT 6080 Investments Homework 1 Note: Due time/date for this homework is 4:30pm on February 5. Please make online submission at T-square. 0. Today you bought 100 shares of ABC Inc. at $100 per share. A year from now ABC will pay a dividend of $2 per share for sure. The price of ABC a year from now is uncertain and depends on the state of the economy. A year from now the economy will either be in a recession, a state of â€Å"normal†growth, or a boom with probabilities of 30%, 40%, and 30% respectively.After analyzing ABC you determine that the price of ABC a year from now in these various states of the economy will be: State of the Economy Recession Normal Growth Boom Price of ABC $80 $110 $130 What is the expected return over the next year to your investment in ABC? What is the standard deviation of that return? 1. You are considering buying equity in a firm. If you purchase the equity, in one year you will receive $1. 5 million with 40% probability and $1. 2 million with 60 % probability. Currently the yield on one year T-bills is 4%. Suppose that you require a risk premium of 10% to invest in the equity of this firm.In other words, your minimum required return on this investment is 14%. (a) What is the most you would be willing to pay for the equity? (b) If you pay this, what is the expected rate of return on your investment? (c) What is the standard deviation of the return to your investment in the firm? 2. Based on your examination of the historical record, you calculate that the expected return on the S&P500 over the next year is 6% over T-bills with a standard deviation of 15%. Currently a T-bill with one year to maturity and face value of $10,000 is selling for $9,615.You have $1 million to invest and you will put all of your money in some combination of the S&P500 and one-year T-bills. Calculate the expected return and standard deviation of that return for 3 different portfolios. (a) Portfolio #1 is invested 100% in the S&P500. (b) Portfolio #2 is invested 50% in the S&P500. (c) Portfolio #3 is invested 10% in the S&P500. 3. Do the following recommended problems. (You don’t have to submit the solution for this part. ) End of chapter problem sets in your textbook, Investments by BKM Chapter 2: Chapter 3: 6, 9, 11 9, 16, 17
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Great Gasby essays
The Great Gasby essays Time tells us that success often comes with a price. Often money will create more problems than it can solve. The richness of a persons soul can be hidden in the folds of money. Such is the case of Jay Gatsby. Jay Gatsby is constantly altering in the readers mind due to the various puzzling events that transpire in the novel creating a level of mystery. First off, Gatsby is a man who feels secure in his privacy and allows very few people into his personal life due to lack of trust. Jay often throws parties at his lavish house, only to shrink away from contact with his various guests that frolic in his privately funded bashes. He does not drink, mainly because he has a high level of composure that cannot be compromised by the effects of alcohol. When the narrator, Nick Carraway, is allowed to venture into Gatsbys personal life Gatsby tells Nick only what he feels is necessary to keep him from being suspicious. The eerie thing about this is that while doing this he is so guarded that Nick often questions how concrete and truthful the information is. When discussing his past Gastby is choppy and uncomfortable telling Nick about his education and war experiences. Only when Gatsby produces a metal of valor earned in the war does Nick believe in his war service stories. Even then Nick has a hard time believing Gatsbys educational background because of his uncomfortable declaration that he attended Oxford, a very prestigious English university. Trust is not a strong point of Gastbys makeup and lifestyle. Therefore, when looking at Gatsbys most impressive traits one thing that pops up is his energetic smile, vibrant personality, and loyalty to those who he respects or cares about. It is important to mention the fact that Gatsby always seemed to make every person feel important and at ease while conversing with him. It was his nature to express courtesy to any guest ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Why has the strategic bombing offensive against Germany in World War Essay
Why has the strategic bombing offensive against Germany in World War Two often been viewed as morally indefensible - Essay Example he British bombing of Dresden, a city not much smaller than Manchester, towards the end of the war is widely acclaimed as a war crime because this cultural capital of Germany was filled with refugees trying to escape Allied bombing and was of no military value. This and the indiscriminant bombings of other German cities are largely viewed by historians as retaliation for the London bombings by the Germans. Were the bombing campaigns an act strictly motivated by revenge and should therefore be regarded as morally reprehensible or were they the result of a necessary and successful strategy that may have gone a little too far? This question is the focus of the following discussion which attempts to explain why these bombings of civilian targets are generally regarded as an indefensible, shameful act perpetrated by the Allies. The Allies, particularly the British, have been likely rightfully vilified for decimating German towns and civilian populations near the end of the war essentially in retaliation for the Luftwaffe bombing raids over London. This strategic bombing campaign took the lives of an estimated 600,000 German civilians. However, the reality of the situation must be kept in proper context. Germany started the war, killed approximately 12 million civilians including six million in concentration camps and would have taken a greater toll if they had beaten the Allied forces. The German’s and British certainly were not the only nations that committed wartime atrocities. Many hundreds of thousands of German prisoners who were taken by the Americans died in prison camps. Witnesses told of gaunt bodies wearing clothing smeared with diarrhea huddled in muddy holes with no shelter and perhaps a rotten potato to eat. Many had to eat grass and drink urine to survive. According to the American Red Cross, at least 98 percent of American prisoners in German prison camps survived but the West German government stated that more than one million German
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Analysis of Gail Tsukiyama's novel The Samurai's Garden Essay
Analysis of Gail Tsukiyama's novel The Samurai's Garden - Essay Example As highlighted by Stephen, apart from the fact that his parents were searching for a recuperating place for him, they were also protecting his younger sister from being infected by his disease. In Tarumi; Stephen is cared for by Matsu, a reticent housekeeper and a master gardener. During his continual stay with Matsu, Stephen learns Matsu’s secret and gains not only physical strength, but also profound spiritual insight. Analysis Throughout the novel there is an underlying sense of society being out of place, characterized with crazy ideas of honor and the fact that there was a war going on. This is reflected in the quote below; "When I first arrived at Tarumi, I wondered how Matsu could spend so much time in the garden. But the more time I spend here, the easier it is to see there's something very seductive about what Matsu has created." Stephen, Autumn, p. 31. The undoing stories of his new friends, war, and family eventually brings him to the beginnings of wisdom, love, hon or and loss. The basic argument of the novel is loyalty and honor found in Japanese culture. The significance of the novel’s title is attained through the complex relationship that exists between the characters and the physical adversities and conflicts they face. Gail Tsukiyama also alludes to one’s ability to build upon life as opposed to mere acceptance. Themes Coming of age By the time Stephen prepares to spend time at Tarumi, he was a mature man. However, his maturity is more revealed from the interaction with others and their impact they had on him. "When you're well again, this period of your life will simply be a quiet memory." Stephen's father, Autumn, p. 20. In this quote, Stephen father encourages Stephen of his illness and this gives him a lot of hope and hence mental maturity. The novel starts with Stephen feeling as if he has been exiled. Regardless of these feelings, he is anxious to be kind to the old caretaker of his family beach house and he and Matsu soon find a common ground. The time spend between the two makes Stephen realize that he actually has less knowledge about Matsu as a young man when his family visited the beach house on vacation. As Matsu introduces him to the surrounding environment, Stephen also becomes acquainted with Matsu’s friends who include Sachi and Kenzo. The closer he becomes with these two the more he learns about their lives and entanglements. "When some of those who had the disease were no longer wanted by others in town, they took what few belongings they had and went up into the mountains." Matsu, Autumn, p. 23. In the end, we learn as Stephen does about life, loyalty to family and friends, attachments, betrayal but most importantly is the unconditional love. The authors’ writing is crystalline and delicate as shown in her evocation of time and place. This quite tale of affection between people whose countries are at war speaks of humanity that transcends geopolitics. As witnessed in t he novel, Stephen becomes more and more ingrained in the daily lives surrounding the beach house while Japan begins to invade China. While the main characters of the novel have transverse their own difficulties and hardships; bringing every character to experience their own individual loneliness and sorrow is a true revelation that people are characterized by necessary tools to survive despite of the world. This
Thursday, October 31, 2019
An Appraisal of Martin Parr's 'Think of England' Publication Essay
An Appraisal of Martin Parr's 'Think of England' Publication - Essay Example Residents and workers in the areas surrounding the Chernobyl Power Plant were exposed to radiation levels one hundred times higher than the Hiroshima Bomb. At the publication date of Legacy, and still today in 2009, Chernobyls menacing results are still very evident. Darwells photographs ultimately offer a thoughtful and skilled presentation of a series of polarities: the visible effects of the invisible radiation; the simultaneous presence and absence of humanity; the past and the future of the Chernobyl area. It will be thousands of years before the decaying isotopes will allow safe habitation. The inside cover of Legacy is made up of dark grey letters on light grey paper with an alphabetic SPREAD of words, such as Atom Bomb, Beryllium, Black Rain, Cancer, and Chernobyl (depicted in white). The list ends with the words The Nuclear Age, also in white. Darwell’s choice of colors, or better yet, lack of color, allows the important words to jump off the page as the reader opens the book. Turning the page, the end paper reads; LEGACY - photographs inside the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, and offer a kind of warning or foreshadowing of what is to come in the following pages. This definitely sets a tone for the book, and creates a mood before the pictorial tour begins. Elegantly stretching it’s metal spires upwards to the sky, the Chernobyl Power Plant towers appear graceful and architectural, like latticed works of sculpture. Set against a violet sky, its black silhouette resembles the framework of an erecting cathedral. During the race to harness nuclear energy, these towers were considered to be visions of progress and hope for the future. Darwell’s photographic distance from the subject succeeds in juxtaposing its skeletal beauty against its cataclysmic destructive force. How ironic that a structure that caused so much death and
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Social Internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The Social Internet - Essay Example One of the oldest institutions that we have used as a place of social gathering and interaction has been the church. While church membership has fallen slightly in recent years, the Internet has been a revival for religious organizations. Mount Calvary Baptist Church in Greenville SC downloaded 80,000 Internet sermons last year from their site (Hills, 2003). Many of these surfers would probably have never set foot inside a church. According to The Barna Group, by 2010 as many as 50 million Americans will rely on the Internet as their sole religious contact (as cited in Hills, 2003). Though the Internet has the power to move more people toward religion, it is clearly moving them away from the church and away from the social setting that was important for conversation and local news in previous decades. Just as the Internet can deliver religion to the people, it also has the capacity to deliver people to politics. Political contributions, debate, and interaction have soared in recent years. The Internet has made vast quantities of information instantly available for anyone who cares to search for it and has the potential to create a new form of electronic democracy. Yet, with all this information available, it is still incumbent upon the user to seek it out, read it, and digest it. Polat (2005) suggests that we are suffering from information overload and says we "[...] may become dependent on others to evaluate the available information" (p. 438).
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Exercise Isometric Vs Isotonic Physical Education Essay
Exercise Isometric Vs Isotonic Physical Education Essay Motility is one of the most important and characteristic things that can be seen in the members of animal kingdom because they have to move their body just for their daily activities such as locomotion. That is why a skeletal system (including bones and cartilage) has been developed in advanced animals. Likewise the muscles that are connected to the skeletal system play an important role in movements of their limbs and trunk resulting moving. Furthermore, though the simple unicellular beings have simple activities, advanced multicellular animals have complicated activities such as eye movements, hearing, ingestion of meals, body balance etc. The contraction and relaxation of muscles are important processes in not only body movements but also these activities mentioned above. Skeletal muscles get mainly involved in contraction and relaxation during exercises because a large amount of energy is needed for the both processes. Not only skeletal muscles, but also Cardiac muscles and Smooth muscles are involved. There are a few types of muscle contraction. Among them, isotonic and isometric muscle contractions are very important. Therefore, how muscles get contracted, what are the differences in isotonic and isometric contraction, what are the physiological changes during exercise etc. are discussed in this thesis. 2.0 Muscles and their molecular structure Most cells possess cytoskeletal elements that are capable of lengthening or shortening and therefore the cell has an ability to change its shape. This capacity is important in a variety of cellular functions such as locomotion, phagocytosis, mitosis and extension of processes. Proteins referred to as molecular motors can change the length of a cell much more rapidly by using energy from the hydrolysis of adenosine 5à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ²-triphosphate (ATP). These ATP-dependent systems are based on the interaction of actin and myosin. In muscle cells, the filaments of actin and myosin and their associated proteins are so abundant that they almost fill the interior of the cell forming the bulk of the muscle. In addition to that, there are Troponin and Tropomyosin filaments as well. Three types of Troponin can be seen. They are Troponin C, I, and T. They line predominantly in one direction, so that interactions at the molecular level are translated into linear contraction of the whole cell. The ability of these specialized cells to change shape has become their most important property. Assemblies of contractile muscle cells, forming the muscles, are machines for converting chemical energy into mechanical work. The forces generated during the contraction and relaxation of muscle are used to move limbs, inflate the lungs, pump blood, close and open tubes, etc. Mainly there are three types of muscles, skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle. Skeletal muscle forms the bulk of the muscular tissue of the body and consists of parallel bundles of long, multinucleate fibers. This type of muscle is capable of powerful contractions because of the regular organization of its contractile proteins. Cardiac muscle is found only in the heart and in the walls of large veins where they enter the heart consisting of a branched network of individual cells that are linked electrically and mechanically to function as a unit. Smooth muscle is found in all systems of the body, in the walls of the viscera, including most of the gastrointestinal, respiratory, urinary and reproductive tracts, in the tunica media of blood vessels etc. In the longitudinal microscopic section of a typical muscle cell, it appears as ribbons and is interrupted at regular intervals by thin transverse lines known as the Z-lines that divide the myofibril into a linear series of repeating contractile units. Those are called sarcomeres. At higher power, sarcomeres are seen to consist of two types of filament, thick Myosin and thin Actin. The arrangement of thick and thin filaments forms a partially overlapping structure within the sarcomere. The thick filaments, together with lengths of thin filaments that overlap and interdigitate with the thick filaments at either end is known as the A-band. The central, paler region of the A-band is not penetrated by the Actin filaments and this region is called the H-band. At the center of H-bands, the Myosin filaments are linked together transversely by M-line. The adjacent portion of two neighboring sarcomeres in which the thin filaments are not overlapped by thick filaments is the I-line. The Actin filaments of adjacent sarcomeres are anchored in the Z-disc, which divides the I-band in to two parts. Where to Find Muscle Contraction Animation for Kids1. 3.0 Molecular basis of muscle contraction During a muscle fiber gets contracted, the actual length of the muscle fiber is constant. What happens on contraction is to increase the overlap within the muscle cell. When the action potential comes into the Transverse system (T-tubules system), it spreads over the membrane of the T-tubules system. As a result of that, the membrane of the T-tubules system gets depolarized. Then, Dihydro Pyridine Receptors (DHPR) / voltage gated Ca+2 channels on the membrane of T-tubules system are activated. As a result of that, intra cellular Ca+2 concentration is increased significantly because of the influx of Ca+2 from extra cellular fluid. This Ca+2 influx triggers the activation of Ryanodine Receptor (RyR) on the membrane of sarcoplasmic reticulum. So that, the release of Ca+2 from sarcoplasmic reticulum to the cytoplasm through the DHPR is occurred. Later influx of Ca+2 is known as Calcium induced Calcium release 2. That is how the T-tubules carry the action potential in side of the cell. As a result of the process that mentioned above, the amount of free Ca+2 in the cytoplasm of the muscle cell is increased and these free Ca+2 ions bind with the Troponin-C. After that, the interaction between Troponin-I and Actin becomes weak and then the Tropomyosin can rotate laterally 2. When the Tropomyosin rotates, Myosin binding site of Actin is exposed. Then, the Myosin head binds with the myosin binding site of the Actin forming the cross-bridges. In the meantime, the ADP molecule tightly bound to the Myosin head is released. As a result of that, conformational changes in the Myosin head can be occurred. That means the Myosin head bends at its neck resulting the length between two Z-lines reduces gradually (Power Stroke). This is the contraction of muscle. The Ganong says that each power stroke shortens the sarcomere about 10nm 2. Then, an ATP molecule quickly binds with the site of the Myosin head where the previous ADP molecule has bound. As a result of the binding of an ATP, the detachment of the Myosin head from the Myosin binding site of the Actin can be occurred. Then the ATP molecule bound to the Myosin head gets hydrolyzed producing an ADP molecule on the head. This hydrolyzing of ATP causes for the Myosin head to come its previous position. This contraction can be occurred as cycles. The Ganong says that each Myosin head cycles about 5 times per second during rapid contraction 2. During the relaxation of muscles, the membrane of the T-tubules system gets re-polarized. Therefore the concentration of free Ca+2 in the cytoplasm is reduced because Ca+2 enter in to the sarcoplasmic reticulum through the Sarcoplasmic-Endoplasmic Reticulum Ca+2 ATPase pumps (SERCA). These SERCA uses ATP as a source of energy to pump Ca+2 into the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Therefore the amount of Ca+2 bound to the Troponin-C is also reduced. Then the interaction between the Myosin and Actin is ceased. As a result of that, the muscle gets relaxed 2. Sliding filaments 3. 4.0 Exercise Exercise is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that require energy usage 4. On the other hand, Exercise is physical activity that is planned, structured, and repetitive for the purpose of conditioning any part of the body. Exercise is used to improve health, maintain fitness and is important as a means of physical rehabilitation 5. When some person is doing an exercise, his or her body can be exposed to one of the highest level of extreme stresses. For example, a person who is suffering from high fever approaching the level of lethality, the metabolism of his body increases to approximately 100% above normal; by comparison, the metabolism of the body increases to 2000% above normal during an exercise such as marathon race. Although the bodily movements are known as exercise, these exercises can be classified into several groups. Among them isotonic exercise and isometric exercise are important. In addition to that, isokinetic exercises can also be considered. 5.0 Types of exercise There are lots of types of exercise. But among them, isometric, isotonic and isokinetic exercises are important 5. Range of motion exercise The putting of a joint through its full range of normal movements, either actively or passively. Aerobic exercise That designed to increase oxygen consumption and improve functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Endurance exercise One that involves the use of several large groups of muscles and is thus dependent on the delivery of oxygen to the muscles by the cardiovascular system. Isokinetic exercise Dynamic muscle activity performed at a constant angular velocity; torque and tension remain constant while muscles shorten or lengthen. Isometric exercise Active exercise performed against stable resistance, without change in the length of the muscle. Isotonic exercise Active exercise without appreciable change in the force of muscular contraction, with shortening of the muscle. Kegel exercises Exercises performed to strengthen the pubococcygeal muscle. Active exercise Motion imparted to a part by voluntary contraction and relaxation of its controlling muscles. Passive exercise Motion imparted to a part by another person or outside force, or produced by voluntary effort of another segment of the patients own body. Resistanceor Resistive exercise that performed by the patient against resistance, as from a weight 5.1 Isometric exercise Exercise performed by the effort against a resistance that encourages and tones the muscle without changing the length of the muscle fibers 6. Therefore, muscle gets contracted without appreciable shortening or change in distance between the origin and insertion of the muscle while the resistance applied to the contraction increases muscle tension without producing movement of the joint. This occurs when carrying an object in front of you when the weight of the object is pulling your arms down but your muscles are contracting to hold the object at the same level. Another example is when you grip something such as a pen or a needle. During this period, there is no movement in the joints of the hand, but the muscles of the hand are contracting to provide a force sufficient enough to keep a steady hold on the pen or needle. In addition to that, the amount of the force of a muscle is able to produce during an isometric contraction depends on the length of the muscle at the point of contraction. Each muscle has an optimum length at which the maximum isometric force can be produced. A series of isometric contractions performed at varying muscle lengths (from -40% (slack) to +40% (stretched). The maximum force is produced at optimum length (Lo). Note that, when the muscle is stretched, the baseline of the force recorded is raised due to passive tension (PT) in the muscle and contributes more to overall force than the active tension (AT) 7. Isometric muscle contraction is a great form of exercise for people who are suffering from Arthritis, people who are recovering from a joint injury or an injury to cartilage, tendons and ligaments. Because isometric exercises prevent the joint movements, it is no problem even though the movements are limited at the joints of an individual. Isometrics exercise improves overall muscular strength and can also stimulate muscular growth. Over time, individuals can actually get stronger when practicing isometric exercises 10, 11. 5.2 Isotonic exercise Isotonic muscular contraction is used to strengthen muscles and improve joint mobility in exercises. That means isotonic contractions are those which cause the muscle to change its length when the muscle contracts and causes for the movements of a part of the body. There are two types of isotonic contraction, concentric and eccentric contraction. 5.2.1 Concentric contraction During concentric exercises, it will cause for the muscles to shorten when the muscles contract. On the other hand, an exercise that causes for a muscle to get decreased its length is known as a concentric exercise. This type of isotonic contraction is the most common type of muscle contraction that can be occurred in daily and sporting activities. Ex: bending the forearm at the elbow joint from straight to fully flexed The forearm can be flexed, when the Biceps Brachi muscle contracts. That means the length of the Biceps Brachi muscle is reduced during the contraction 8. In concentric contractions, the force generated by the muscle is always less than the muscles maximum (Po). When the load that the muscle is required to lift something decreases, contraction velocity increases. This occurs until the muscle finally reaches its maximum contraction velocity, Vmax. By performing a series of constant velocity shortening contractions, a force-velocity relationship can be determined 7. 5.2.2 Eccentric contraction The opposite of the concentric contraction is Eccentric contraction 8. That means this type of contraction can be occurred when the muscle elongates during a contraction 9. This type is less common but usually involves in the control or deceleration of a movement of a limb, being initiated by the concentric contraction. Ex: kicking something The Quadriceps muscle contracts concentrically to straighten the leg at the knee joint while the Hamstrings contract eccentrically to slowdown the motion of the leg and this type of contraction puts a lot of strain through the muscle and is commonly involved in muscle injuries 8. However it is difficult to compare that the isometric exercises are important than the isotonic exercises or opposite because both types have its own specific purposes. For example, when someone is doing an isometric exercise, it is only strengthening the muscle in the position that the muscle is being held. That is why this type of exercises are more beneficial for the athletes such as a gymnasts who have to support their bodyweight in difficult positions or hold them self in one position for a long time. But when the isotonic exercises such as weightlifting are considered, it is going to strengthen the muscles through a range of motion. However both types of isometric and isotonic exercises can increase the amount of force generated during muscle contraction 14, 15, 16. 5.3 Isokinetic exercise Isokinetic contractions are similar to isotonic contractions. But they differ from isotonic contractions due to movements of a constant speed. Isokinetic Dynamo-meter is used to get the measurements of this type of exercise. Examples for this type of exercise are rare although the best example is breast stork in swimming because a resistance to the movement of adduction is provided constantly by the water 8. 6.0 Muscular changes in exercises Hypertrophy of skeletal muscles can be occurred after each training session due to acute increased in muscle protein synthesis when there is a good supplement of nutrition 12, 13. 7.0 Cardiovascular changes in exercise The cardiovascular system helps transport materials all over the body assists with thermoregulation. Regular exercise makes the cardiovascular system more efficient at pumping blood and delivering oxygen and nutrition to the exercise muscles 17, 18, 19, 21. Releases of adrenaline and lactic acid into the blood during an exercise result in an increase of the heart rate (HR). Some of the different components of the cardiovascular system, such as stroke volume (SV), systolic blood pressure (SBP), and mean arterial pressure and cardiac output (CO) can be increased by exercises. A considerable percentage of the CO goes to the exercising muscles. While the muscles particularly skeletal muscles get received approximately 20% of the total blood flow at rest, the visceral organs such as spleen, liver and intestine receive a large amount of blood. But during exercise, the blood flow to muscles increases to 80-85%. Two major adjustments on the blood flow can be occurred during exercise to get the metabolic demands of skeletal muscles fulfilled. Increasing the cardiac output from the heart. Returning the blood flow from inactive organs and tissues such as spleen to the active muscles. Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems regulate the activities of the heart. Acetylcholine (Ach), a neurotransmitter released by the parasympathetic nerve endings, can decrease the activities of Sino-Atrial (SA) node and Atrio-Ventricular (AV) node resulting decreased in HR while the Norepinephrine released by the sympathetic nerve endings causes for the increase in HR and the force of contraction of the heart. Although the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous stimulations are in balance at rest, during exercises, the parasympathetic stimulation decreases while the sympathetic stimulation increases. Especially several factors such as baroreceptors, chemoreceptors and temperature receptors directly contribute to adjust the function of the heart. CO is controlled by the EDV (known as preload), average aortic BP (afterload), and the strength of ventricular contraction. During exercises, the EDV is increased because of the increase in venous return, the afterload is reduced and the strength of ventricular contraction is increased due to increase the EDV according to the Frank-Starlings law resulting increased the CO. Constriction of veins that drain skeletal muscles can be occurred as a response to the stimulation of sympathetic nervous system during an exercise. During exercise, the respiratory pump and the muscle pump help to increase venous return resulting increased the blood flow to the heart. Blood flow during exercise is regulated by changing BP and altering the peripheral resistance of the vessels. During exercise, BP increases so that blood flow through the body increases. Blood flow is also increased during exercise by decreasing the resistance of the vessels in the systemic circulation of active skeletal muscle. Resistance is determined by the following formula 20. Resistance = (length of tube X viscosity of blood)/radius Changing the radius of the vessels has the most considerable effect on blood flow. Doubling the radius of a blood vessel decreases resistance by a factor of 16. Cardiovascular changes during isometric exercise differ from the changes during isotonic exercise because isometric exercise causes to compress the blood vessels in the contracting muscles. It leads to reduce the blood flow in contracting muscle. So that, the total peripheral resistance will increase instead of the total peripheral resistance that normally falls during isotonic exercise, particularly if several large groups of muscles are involved in the exercise. The sympathetic system is activated with exercise and thus leads to an increase in BP, HR and cardiac output. The increase in HR and cardiac output is less due to the total peripheral resistance does not decrease. An increase in the diastolic, systolic and mean arterial pressure is more when compared with those seen with isotonic exercises. Because BP is a major determinant of afterload, the left ventricular wall stress, and thus the cardiac workload, is significantly higher during static exercise compared with the cardiac workload achieved during dynamic exercise. The musculature of the heart will become certain morphologic changes in response to chronic exercise. Such a heart which has been morphologically changed is commonly referred to as an athletic heart. Athletic heart syndrome is characterized by hypertrophy of the myocardium. Although the hypertrophy in athletes heart is morphologically similar to that seen in patients with hypertension, several important differences exist. In contrast to the hypertension-induced hypertrophy, the hypertrophy in the athletic heart is noted in absence of any diastolic dysfunction, with a normal isovolumetric relaxation time, with no decrease in the peak rate of left ventricular filling, and with no decrease in the peak rate of left ventricular cavity enlargement and wall thinning. Because the wall stress in the athletes heart is normal, sometimes the hypertrophy seems to be disproportionate to the level of resting BP. 8.0 Respiratory changes during exercise The purpose of respiration is to provide O2 to the tissues and to remove Carbon Dioxide from the tissues 17, 18, 19. To accomplish this, four major events must be regulated, as follows: Pulmonary ventilation Diffusion of O2 and CO2 between the alveoli and the blood Transport of O2 and CO2 in the blood and body fluids and to and from the cells Regulation of ventilation and other aspects of respiration Although the human body is designed to maintain homeostasis, exercise causes these factors mentioned above to change. The formation of CO2, consumption of O2 and the total alveolar ventilation is increased by approximately 20-fold when someone initiates to do an exercise from the state of rest to the maximal intensity of the exercise. The pulmonary ventilation is 100-110 L/min at maximal exercise while there is a linear relationship between ventilation and oxygen consumption. Anyway, the maximal breathing capacity of a person is about 150-170 L/min. That means, during maximal exercise, the maximal breathing capacity is approximately 50% greater than the actual pulmonary ventilation. It has been found that the maximum rate of oxygen consumption (VO2max) under the maximal aerobic metabolism is found to increase only 10% due to the effect of training. However, the VO2max of a person who runs in a marathon is about 45% greater than the VO2 of an untrained person. The reasons for this are somewhat genetically determined (larger chest size in relation to body size, stronger respiratory muscles) and due to long-term training as well. The Oxygen diffusion capacity is known as the measurement of the rate of the O2 diffusion from the alveoli into the blood stream through the walls of capillaries and alveoli. The diffusing capacity of Oxygen is increased because of the exercise and all most all the pulmonary capillaries are perfused at their maximal level due to increase the blood flow through the lungs. Therefore, a considerable surface area is provided for the gases to be exchanged by diffusion. So, it has been found that the trained-athletes have a higher diffusing capacity. As a result of the active exercises, partial pressure of Oxygen in arterial blood is decreased while that of Carbon Dioxide in the venous blood is increased more than the normal level. Though the both of these are changed, it is not a case because both of these values remain close to the normal values. Stimulatory impulses from the higher centers of the brain, the impulses from the joint and muscle via proprioceptive stimulatory reflexes cause for the neurological stimulations of the respiratory and vasomotor center of the medulla oblongata which provides almost all the real increase in pulmonary ventilation to keep the blood respiratory gases almost normal. If nervous signals are too strong or weak, chemical factors such as neurotransmitters bring about the final adjustment in respiration that is required to maintain homeostasis during exercises 17, 18, 19. 9.0 Immunological changes in exercise Although the positive and negative effects can be seen on the immune system with exercises, regular moderate exercise seems to reduce the incidence of infection, while prolonged intense exercise causes a temporary suppression of many parameters of immune function, depending on the intensity and duration of exercise. The mobilization and activation of white blood cells, the release of inflammatory mediators such as cytokines, the tissue damage and cell infiltration, the production of free radicals, the activation of the complement and the coagulation and fibrinolytic pathways can be seen during physical activities just like an inflammation. The variety of the previous changes depends on the type of exercise intensity and the duration. Both acute and chronic effects of exercise on the immune system, yet there are still very few studies that have been able to show a direct link between exercise-induced immune depression and increased incidence of confirmed illness in athletes. Strenious and/or prolonged physical activity leads to muscle and other tissue damage and, thereby, induce an inflammatory response characterized by secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines, chemokines, and other cellular or hormonal mediators of inflammation. On the other hand, physical activity also induces counter-regulation of inflammation through secretion of immunosuppressant mediators, such as cortisol and anti-inflammatory cytokines 22.
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