Monday, September 30, 2019
Alexander Hamilton vs Thomas Jefferson Essay
Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson had very different political views, which is why our first president, George Washington, had them both in his cabinet. Hamilton was the first Secretary of the Treasury, while Jefferson was the first Secretary of State. These differences begin with who they thought should govern and what type of government was the best. Hamilton thought we should have a strong central government in the interests of commerce and industry, while having the national government in charge. However, Jefferson felt that the people should rule with a decentralized, agrian government in the terms of freedom and the people should rule themselves. They also had conflicting ideas for what economy suited us best, Hamilton believing it to be industrial and Jefferson believing the best was agricultural. Along with those conflicts, they didn’t agree with how the constitution was to be interpreted. Hamilton was a loose constructionist, wanting to stick closer to the thought of the central government ruling. Jefferson was a strict constructionist, believing that the constitution was to be followed closely. Lastly, their difference in ideas helped formed political factions. They became two sides, the Federalists and the Antifederalists – or Republicans. Alexander Hamilton’s side was the Federalists, they stood for the urban mercantile interests of the seaports. Thomas Jefferson’s was the Republicans who represented the southern and rural interests. Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson had very different political views, which is why our first president, George Washington, had them both in his cabinet. Hamilton was the first Secretary of the Treasury, while Jefferson was the first Secretary of State. These differences begin with who they thought should govern and what type of government was the best. Hamilton thought we should have a strong central government in the interests of commerce and industry, while having the national government in charge. However, Jefferson felt that the people should rule with a decentralized, agrian government in the terms of freedom and the people should rule themselves. They also had conflicting ideas for what economy suited us best, Hamilton believing it to be industrial and Jefferson believing the best was agricultural. Along with those conflicts, they didn’t agree with how the constitution was to be interpreted. Hamilton was a loose constructionist, wanting to stick closer to the thought of the central government ruling. Jefferson was a strict constructionist, believing that the constitution was to be followed closely. Lastly, their difference in ideas helped formed political factions. They became two sides, the Federalists and the Antifederalists – or Republicans. Alexander Hamilton’s side was the Federalists, they stood for the urban mercantile interests of the seaports. Thomas Jefferson’s was the Republicans who represented the southern and rural interests.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Alcoholism and Domestic Violence
Alcoholism, also known as alcohol dependence, is unfortunately a widespread ailment which spans people of all age groups and socioeconomic levels. The health risks of this disease, and alcoholism is a disease, are as widespread as the individuals who contract it. In addition to these health risks, alcoholism is also an influencing factor in another problem plaguing societies, domestic violence. Thus, alcohol and anger create a sometimes fatal combination.Alcoholism is a disease which can be described by degree. Alcohol dependence describes individuals who have developed a â€Å"maladaptive pattern†of alcohol consumption which is characterized by a developing alcohol tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, or hangovers, and the inability to stop drinking. It doesn’t stop there People with alcohol dependence may progress to alcohol abuse which can significantly interfere with their social lives, their work or their interpersonal relationships.In addition, this abuse can also cau se a host of related issues including â€Å"major depression, dysthymia, mania, hypomania, panic disorder, phobias, generalized anxiety disorder, personality disorders, any drug use disorder,schizophrenia, and suicide†(Cargiulo 2007). According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), drinking up to 14 drinks in a week for men or seven drinks per week as a woman could indicate alcohol dependence. In addition, the NIAAA estimates that up to nearly 18 million Americans could be considered alcoholics (Lauer 2006).Despite the many mental and physiological problems that are associated with alcoholism, some of the most frightening are the health problems associated with the brain. Evidence exists that shows the damage that alcohol consumption does to the brain. Brain imaging studies have revealed that people with alcoholism have significant differences in parts of their brains than those without alcoholism. The brain volume is reduced in alcoholics as wel l as the blood flow to the brain.The reduced blood flow has been linked to a lowering of inhibitions and memory, impaired cognitive function in general and even damage to the corpus callosum (Cargiulo 2007). These problems can lead to long term brain damage. Lesions in the brain form in those with long term patterns of alcohol abuse. This can translate into Korsakoff’s disease which is characterized by motor impairment and thinking impairments which can affect a person’s ability to care for himself. In the end, the individual may have to be cared for institutionally.Alcohol affects the neurotransmitters in the brain. As the disease progresses to chronic status, the brain cells begin to adapt to the alcohol that seems to reside permanently in the brain. As a result, the brain becomes reliant on the alcohol to work. If alcohol is removed, the symptoms of withdrawal take longer and longer to subside. Ultimately, the brain tissue will rebel, in a way, and the withdrawal sy mptoms can be severe, even fatal. Once the cells in the brain die, they cannot be regenerated (Shoemaker 2003). These effects seem to affect males to a greater degree than females.This fact can be explained by differences in drinking patters, choice of alcoholic drinks, rate of alcohol metabolism and the protective effects of hormones such as estrogen (de Bruin, 2005) As such, alcohol dependency and abuse is three times more prominent in men as it is in women even though evidence suggests that for both genders, the numbers are underreported (Cargiulo 2007). As if the physical effects on the body were not bad enough, the behaviors of individuals who are addicted to alcohol are also quite dangerous.The drinkers find themselves to be less inhibited and more willing to engage in risky behaviors. Many of these behaviors can be characterized as aggressive and violent. One of the worst that researchers find among alcoholics is domestic violence or intimate partner violence (IPV). The Acade my of Domestic Violence has defined domestic violence as â€Å"a deliberate pattern of abusive tactics used by one partner in an intimate relationship to obtain and maintain power and control over the other person†which includes physical, sexual, psychological, emotional and economic abuses (Niolon 2004)The types of domestic violence have been organized by Dr. Richard Niolon (2004). He identifies one type as common couple violence which occurs in one or two isolated incidences over the course of the couples’ relationship. Though painful at the time, this type is not usually seen as a recurring pattern of abuse and control. The second type is identified by Niolon (2004) as intimate terrorism in which violence is used as a means of manipulation and control relatively regularly.Mutual violent control occurs more often when both the male and the female fight each other, and dysphoric-borderline violence is indicative of a dependent, emotional fragile individual who resort s to violence as a last resort. This type of violence often occurs when the abused person in the relationship snaps and lashes out violently against the other partner or when a new set of circumstances radically increases the frustration levels of one of the partners in the relationship, and he or she lashes out as a result of this new situation (Niolon 2004).These stages of violence typically follow a predictable cycle. The first stage of this cycle is a calm period in which tension slowly builds. Minor incidents may occur in this stage which can continue for various periods of time. The second stage is the one in which the abuser seems to explode and actually engage in the violence. Outside parties may have to intervene to stop the onslaught. The third states is called the honeymoon stage because the abuser will show distinct remorse for his actions, apologize profusely, and even shower the abused with gifts and affection, even promises.Unfortunately, the abused is likely to forgi ve the abuser at this point. (Niolon 2004). Risk factors for IPV include lower educational levels, lower income and/or employment levels, and, of course, alcohol misuse (Jeyaseelan, 2004). Sadly, alcohol and IPV often do go hand in hand. Not surprising, the most common locations for IPV to occur is in the home and at bars. According to interviews with abused wives, men were much more likely to have been drinking during the attacks than not.When the abusive husbands were interviewed, they reported to have had at least six drinks before the onset of the violence (Quigley and Leonard, 2004/2005). Thus the concurrence of alcoholism and IPV is shown. When drinking, a dangerous combination of increased aggression and reduced inhibition lead to these batterings. Many studies support this problem, which again seems to afflict more men than women. Quigley and Leonard (2004/2005) recount a study by Kaufman, Kantor and Straus in 1990 which found that the husbands heavy drinking was associated with husband on wife violence.Further studies show that a husband who drinks early in marriage is more prone to IPV later in marriage, and husbands who drink heavily before marriage are more likely to be violent toward their wives in the very first year of marriage (Quigley and Leonard, 2004/2005). In addition, these authors cite Caetano in noting that there are racial differences involved in IPC. They note that â€Å"nineteen percent of European American husbands and 24 percent of Hispanic husbands who drank at least five drinks a week committed IPV, as opposed to 40 percent of African American husbands who drank†(Quigley and Leonard, 2004/2005).This has harrowing implications for women of all races, particularly African American women. Galvani (2004) gives several possible reasons why this may be true. Physiological theories argue that ethanol, the drug in alcohol increase aggression biologically. A theory known as Disinhibition Theory notes the earlier link between alcoho l and cognitive function, specifically the portion of the brain mentioned above that regulates levels if inhibition. The Deviance Disavowal theory argues that the abusers use alcohol as a reason for their behavior and consciously drinks so that they can blame the alcohol for their actions.Social Learning theories explain that people will act in a way based on their experiences around others. Therefore, parents and societal expectations can lead to alcoholic abuse and abusive behaviors (Galvani, 2004). Both alcoholism and IPV are scourges upon society, creating physical and mental damage. When these are combined, their effects are even stronger and more widespread. With hope, individuals who find themselves in these situations will soon seek help to avoid permanent tragedy. References Cargiulo, T. (2007).Understanding the health impact of alcohol dependence. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy 64: S1-S17 De Bruin, EA. (2005) Does alcohol intake relate to brain volume loss? The Brown University Digest of Addiction Theory & Application 24 (7): 5-6 Galvani, S. (2004). Responsible disinhibition: Alcohol, men and violence to women. Addiction Research & Theory 12 (4): 357-371 Jeyaseelan, L et al. (2004). World studies of abuse in the family environment – risk factors for physical intimate partner violence.Injury Control & Safety Promotion 11 (2): 117-124. Lauer, CS. (2006). When drinking turns serious. Modern Healthcare 36 (16): 22 Niolan, R. (2004). Types and Cycles of Domestic Violence. Retrieved 1 May 207 from http://www. psychpage. com/learning/index. html Quigley, BM & Leonard, KE. (2004/2005). Alcohol Use and Violence Among Young Adults. Alcohol Research & Health 28 (4): 191-194 Shoemaker, W. (2003). Alcohol’s Effects on the Brain. Nutritional Health Review: The Consumer’s Medical Journal 88: 3-8 .
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Human Resource Assessment for CIPD Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Human Resource Assessment for CIPD - Assignment Example There are several behaviors required to reach the professional level as mentioned in the HR map. They include being collaborative, the courage to challenge, being curious, decisive thinker, driven to deliver, personally credible, role model, and skilled influence, among others. The HR profession map highlights ways of practicing HR in a highly efficient manner. To be an HR professional one has to accept criticism and have the courage to challenge others as this will let you know if you're going through the right path. You must get feedback and opinions from others either by surveys, questionnaires or personal face-to-face meetings with all employees from different levels. Having those meetings will strengthen the communication between an HR professional and other colleagues. In addition, it will build respect for other peoples opinions and strengthen good relations. Getting feedback and criticism will also help you to improve yourself and makes you learn from your mistakes if you decide to take it in a good way. In some cases, it is not wrong to seek others help and opinions either if that help would come from a higher level such as the management or a lower level. When it comes to taking opinions from the lower level this will give motivation to them, and here you are building indirectly an environment that contains team working (Purcell and Swart, 2003, p.56). One important skill that we should have as an HR professional is to be a decisive thinker. We have to think carefully before talking or taking an action. Not only that, when any conflict arises we should listen to all sides of the story and look at the situation from different angles and think outside the box. To be able to have the brainstorming skill our information should be up to date and that is by reading about HR, socializing with other HR people through workshops, training courses, meetings to exchange experience and information.Â
Friday, September 27, 2019
Advertising analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Advertising analysis - Assignment Example Obviously, the message of the advertisement is to attract customers to go to Disneyland for fun and entertainment. The aforementioned advertisement in particular uses an adventurous Disney character named â€Å"Buzz†, to show all the places the whole family can enjoy. Buzz goes from place to place and makes wonderful statements about everything he sees. His closing speech, â€Å"There’s no end in sight†, says it all. The message clearly shows that Disneyland is a place where there is so much to do and the fun stops depending on the customer’s time and budget. Children may be the primary target audience of the ad but it also includes adults as well. With the budget needed for the vacation at Disneyland, the company did not fail to consider the finance managers of the family. Therefore, they included what adults can also enjoy in the place. The ad also implies that adults need to have as much fun as kids do and that they need to unwind in a place such as Disneyland. The creator of the ad is Disneyland evidently because the materials used are all owned by the company. Moreover, who else would be interested to make an advertisement for a company’s product but the company itself. The creator highlights the fun and adventure which families enjoy at Disneyland and speaks to the customers through a fun-loving cartoon character who is loved both by kids and parents. Making a filmed ad is perhaps more effective than still images especially when it is intended for children and the busy parents. This makes the production of the ad quite successful. It does not just attract the viewers’ attention but it also entices them through the sights and sounds. The messages are delivered more easily and accurately through the images and the words of â€Å"Buzz†. The makers of the ad seemed to have considered all the different points of view. From the
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Four Internaional Accounting Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Four Internaional Accounting Questions - Essay Example From a creditor’s perspective, they want to be confident that the companies or debt securities their citizens (or the countries themselves) purchase are accurately represented by the published financial statements. 2a. Ever since the onset of modern business and the taxation of corporations, accounting in the US has been rules based. Any major change in the philosophy of accounting will be a challenge. The rules based accounting system dictates exactly how certain transactions should be recorded. The principle based accounting system has few rules. Instead general principles are published and companies are required to ensure their financial statements fairly and accurately represent these principles. I see the main challenge in converting from rules to principles based system will be in the consistency of financial statements. Another challenge will be in educating the investor. Under the principles based system the accountants have much more latitude in the recording of trans actions. For example, depreciation of assets will vary depending on the accountant’s view of useful life.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Criminology and criminal justice studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Criminology and criminal justice studies - Essay Example This essay investigates the organized deviance as revealed in the activities of a gang named Aggi Crew in St. Paul’s area of Bristol. This was a notorious drug-peddling gang whose members sometimes involved in street brawls with rival gangs in the area. Their dastard actions have sometime invited armed police to be constantly station on St. Paul with the intention of preventing the gangsters from flouting laws and terrorise innocent citizen in the area (BBC, 2003). Though some of the gang’s activities would be explained here, however, the central goal of this paper is to detail the appropriate responses from the concerned criminal justice systems. member’s surname. The gang’s main activity is to peddle drugs locally in the areas of Bristol. Sometimes they were engaged in street fights with rival gangs. What made the Bristol residents unsettled and greatly worried about Aggi Crew was the fact that they had had deadly weapons and guns in their possessions. They had also been involved in armed robbery at the famous White and Black Cafà ©, a place that was rumored to be the melting-pot for both drug buyers and sellers (Thompson, 2003). Judging by the explosion of gangsters’ criminal activities in Britain, the question every thoughtful person may want to ask is: are there any legal provisions to combat this plague of violent gang crime in the United Kingdom? Critically, there are some laws and statutes of Her Majesty that are enacted for the purpose of preventing all kinds of crime in Britain, including drug and violent crimes mostly committed by gangs. Incidentally, Misuse of Drug Act 1971 is meant to discourage the use, sale and spread of harmful drugs like cocaine, heroin and other stimulants; The Firearms Act 1968 totally discourages the use of firearms for the purpose of causing harm and damage to other people and their properties; Criminal Justice Act 2003establishes the modalities
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
National Business Cultures Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
National Business Cultures - Research Paper Example During causal activities the women prefer to display modest dress. The appearances of the youth are both neat and clean. The youth find it unethical to touch another person's shoulders. Winking is taboo in any situation. It is also unethical to touch a child's head because children are held in high respect in Taiwan. Another characteristic of the Taiwan culture is that the feet should not be used for pointing because it is classified as dirty. HOFSTEDE- Finland, According to Hofstede, the Hofstede scores of Finland shows that It is low Powered, above average uncertainty avoidance, average masculinity and very low long term orientation2. Power distance measures how well the low power cultures like Finland feel and act when they fact high power cultures. The Hofstede analysis shows that the low power cultures easily accept the high powered cultures. The less powerful members of a culture can easily accept the unequal distribution of power. The Arabic-speaking nations, Latin America, Russia, and nearly all of Asia (especially India and China) are high in power distance. Most of Europe, Canada, Australia and Israel are low in power distance. Japan and Mediterranean-Europe fall in the middle range. In a culture of high power distance, it's okay for a department head to display his authority because most superiors rarely give their subordinates important work And if anything goes wrong, the subordi... And if anything goes wrong, the subordinates are usually blamed for not doing their proper job/role by the supervisors. In this culture, managers rarely interact or socialize with workers and the school teachers are treated with respect. The local politicians feel comfortable with totalitarianism. In this society, class distinction is emphasized. class distinctions are emphasized. Low power distance culture. This unique culture is described as the supervisors expected to treat employees respectfully. This culture is characterized by a few selected subordinates doing important work. There is a strong opportunity to get promoted quickly. However, if something ever unintentionally goes wrong, the department head is usually blamed for having unrealistic expectations or being too strict managers socialize and interact with workers. Also, the teachers are simply regarded as employees and parents are identified as merely people. Uncertainty avoidance. Uncertainty avoidance measures a nation's preference for strict laws and regulations over ambiguity and risk. According the Hofstede's research, Greece is the most risk-averse culture, and Singapore the least. The Protestant, Buddhist, and Hindu cultures rank relatively low; Catholic and Islamic countries tend to score high in uncertainty avoidance. Likewise, high uncertainty avoidance cultures tend to have a less efficient infrastructure than low uncertainty avoidance cultures. Hofstede Analysis will again help the foreign based national in decision making processes because different cultures react differently in the same situation. BODY II. Recent environmental influences (important PEST factors) in the 2 countries.TAIWAN Political. A. According to
Monday, September 23, 2019
Week 7 discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Week 7 discussion - Essay Example Each pair of students will stand at the end of a one hundred meters track stretch. Along the track, there will be minor obstacles such as ankle length huddles, tires and a simple block puzzle. One student leads another blind folded student through the obstacles to the end of the track where they will â€Å"tap you are it†the other half of the team and they will go through the same process. . The students, in their respective groups, will carry out the obstacle race activity under strict supervision. It is imperative that the gym instructor is present. Also, the winning team will get small gifts like â€Å"cool†pens. The concept here is to provide a fun way to explore the importance of meaningful interpersonal relationships. The blind fold is crucial to introduce the aspect of human dependence. The students, within the groups, will comprise of different genders, race and ethnic background; the aim is to show that human cooperation goes beyond societal prejudices. The obstacles will make the activity more challenging and competitive. This activity is a break from other activities such as watching films that have graphic scenes of acts of intolerance in society such as racial prejudice. Also, the aspect of fairness will be brought out as the gym instructor and I oversee the activity to ensure that the winner is legitimate. Good morning class? Please confirm that your attire is well won, fitting and shoe laces are well tied to avoid any accidents. In previous lessons, the subject of tolerance and meaningful human interactions has concentrated on books with literature on heroes such as†¦ (The students should then raise their hands to give relevant examples). However, this class needs a practical example on how to set aside differences and work as one human entity. I will divide the students into groups of four, two girls and two boys (it will not be evident to the students that the groups are heterogeneous in
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Saudi Students in the Us Education System Essay Example for Free
Saudi Students in the Us Education System Essay Western culture differs dramatically from Saudi Arabian culture, from religion, to education to music and food, even dress; they really are two different worlds. The challenges that a Saudi student might face here in the states are endless and adjusting takes time and a tremendous amount of effort. Let’s start by talking about education. In Saudi Arabia sexes are separated from day one. Males and females never attend school under the same roof, not even at university levels ( Flaits). For a Saudi student, here in the United States, this is a substantial change that has the potential to be, even traumatizing to students, especially to those students still in primary schools. Imagine with me for a moment that you are a thirteen year old Saudi Arabian girl. Your father has just gotten a job in the United States. Up till now you have spent your entire life in Saudi Arabia in a traditional home, going to a traditional all girl school. The only males you have ever spoken with are your close male relatives. Now, it is your first day to attend an American public school. You have a nice, dark complexion and wavy brown hair hidden away under your hijab. Never mind all the strange glances immediately thrown at you for your appearance the minute you step foot on the bus because of the way you are dressed, you expected as much. But you’re taken aback by the fact that well over half of these uncomfortable, judgmental glances are barreling down on you from the faces of boys. Your heart is beating hard and fast in your ears as you slide into the nearest vacant green leathery seat. You’re starting to feel your face grow warm and you just know you are seven shades of beat red. You concentrate on your breathing; you can feel every eye on the bus burning into you, you feel completely exposed. And just when you think that things couldn’t possibly get worse, a boy about two years older than you decides the empty seat next to you is as good as any to claim for his own. He gives you a warm smile, which you return with a blank stare. So he takes it upon himself to try and start a conversation. He is friendly enough, but you can’t concentrate on a single word coming out of his mouth. Not just because your English is below proficient, but because blood is pounding in your ears. What does this boy think he is doing? Your mind reels. The only thing you can think about is how angry your father would be if he saw this boy sitting next to you and you pray he never finds out. You have never spoken to a boy in your life, you wouldn’t know how to go about it, even if you wanted to, but your mouth doesn’t seem to be working now anyhow and all you want is for this boy to leave you alone before any tears manage to escape your eyes. You shut your eyes tight and count your breaths waaHid, ithnayn, talaata . . . You keep them closed for a long time and when you open them the boy has apparently gotten the point or been offended because he has changed seats. You feel only a slight twinge of guilt but a flood of relief. Finally the bus comes to a stop and everyone files off. Upon arriving to the school you find that the boys here are less friendly and somewhat frightening. Some whistle or stare, some wink, some make inappropriate gestures with their hands or mouths most of which you do not understand, some scoff and finally some ignore you completely which comes as a relief. The girls here don’t seem to be interested in any kind of interaction with you at all. Most avoid eye contact but some blatantly glare. Your head spins, all you want is a quiet, safe place to hide. So you retreat to the bathroom. Here you encounter a whole new set of awkward social problems, when a group of giggling girls, applying too much makeup, instantly become silent as you approach. You can feel the hostility as they take in your attire. Only one even attempts to smile at you. As if on cue, they all march out, fallowing a tall thin blond with a hot pink top, by the way the other girls dote, you can only assume she is their leader. You splash some cool water on your face, thankful for the silence and whisper a prayer to Allah, asking Him for the strength to just get through the day. The bell rings so you find your way to first period and take a seat nearest the door, most students have to walk past you, which isn’t ideal but you feel safer because you can bolt at any time if the need arises. The teacher inters the room and says good morning to the class. He looks across the room and his eyes come to rest on you, suddenly it is hard to breath you feel like you have been caught in some kind of sand storm that is suffocating only you, no one else in the room seems to feel ill at ease in the least. You have never had a male teacher before and it never crossed your mind that you ever would. This morning you prepared yourself the best you could with the idea of having to go to school with boys, you knew that you would stick out because of the clothing you wore and you knew it might be difficult communicating with the other children because your English is not that good, but it never occurred to you that you would have a male teacher! â€Å"good morning class, today we have a new student, miss Layla Almire,†never taking his eyes of you â€Å" would you mind standing and telling us a little about yourself ? †You slowly rise, â€Å"my name is Layla, I am thirteen, my family is from Saudi Arabia†you sit, unsure of what just happened. That girl standing, speaking, didn’t even sound like you. She sounded confident, not falling to pieces on the inside as you are doing now; your heart is beating so hard and your hands are trembling. â€Å"thank you miss Layla, we are glad to have you in class. Now take out your text books and turn to page eighty-three we left off talking about†¦Ã¢â‚¬ most of the day passes in a blur, you go from class, avoid eye contact or conversations with the children, eat lunch alone, some of your teachers are male, some are female, you act like you understand what the teachers say even though half the time you don’t. By the end of the day you are completely drained emotionally, mentally and physically and you are so relieved when it is finally over. But at home, you don’t want your parents to worry about you, especially your mother; the trip has been hard enough on her as it is. So you fake a smile and fight the urge to skip dinner and turn in early. After clearing the table you can fight it no longer, you tell your family that you have homework and retreat to your room. There you silently cry yourself to sleep hoping the morning does not come too quickly because you know what’s waiting for you when it does, your second day at an American public school. Saudi girls are painfully shy around men because their culture dictates that they have no interaction with men outside of close relatives. (Flaits) Coeducation can be difficult for male students as well because they are from a society where men are dominant, so being taught by women may be a very challenging thing to get used to (Flaits). To accommodate for these particular challenges, (first of all teaches need to be aware of the cultural differences), male teaches can help with these cultural challenges by not calling the female student out too much in class or talking to girls directly, by keeping a comfortable distance in a sense. And female teachers can try not to be too assertive, to avoid resentment from male students. Saudi’s in general, do not take criticism well, especially in public. It is viewed as an attack on their honor. It is for this reason that teachers need to be gentle when confronting a student about inappropriate behavior and never should this be done in front of the rest of the class. Saudi’s take it very personally if they are not trusted. This is a good reason not to accuse them unless you have strong evidence for your case. Trust and honor go hand in hand. I was not aware of this when I first began college and started hanging out with a group of internationals, I was not aware of many things. One night we were all at my friends and I was ready to go home but my friend was too tired to drive so his friend offered to give me a lift. I â€Å"politely†refused. Because I was raised never to get in a car with strangers, I thought this was common knowledge â€Å"don’t get into cars with people you don’t know†. This man took it very personally, he started to raise his voice, speaking in Arabic, and then left in a huff. I asked my friend what he said, it roughly translated to â€Å" fine if you don’t feel safe near me then I will just go†I felt slightly guilty but at the same time I thought it confirmed that this guy was a hot head that shouldn’t be trusted. Abdulah and I have laughed about our first meeting a lot since; he later became one of my best friends. This man wouldn’t hurt a fly, it’s just not in him, he is one of the kindest people I know. He has come to understand why I refused to get in the car that night and I, how disrespectful it was to refuse his help in front of all of our friends. Another challenge for Saudi students is the same for all immigrant students, language barriers. Students may need special accommodations to further acquire language skills. They may need additional time on assignments and additional clarification on direction for assignments. It is important for teachers to be patient with their students and not mistake the students lack of understanding for laziness. Some additional challenges, for teachers working with Saudi students, are keeping their attention, their interest. Saudis get bored very easily and quickly. Keeping their attention can prove to be quite difficult. Speaking with a fellow teacher I was given insight on how she kept her students engaged. She told me that Saudi students can be quite competitive so incorporating games with prizes or score boards is an effective and healthy way to inspire them to â€Å"stay on top of their game†she suggested things like writing on the black board, matching objects to words and spelling B’s where every point is tallied and any kind of learning game in general,to be effective methods. I have come up with a few of my own ideas to keep their interest and get them to study on their own as well. â€Å"THE LETTER GAME†have a bag full of random letters written on cards, at the beginning of class pull a set number of cards and place them in plain sight of the entire class, give the students a set amount of time to spell as many words as they can come up with from those cards, when the time is up tally the number of correct words the students got right, the one with the most words is awarded some kind of incentive. This accomplishes two things, challenges the student mentally and may lead to study outside of the class. Since the letters are completely random knowing their vocab will not be enough, because competition is such a part of their personality the intention is to get them to do independent studying, the more words they know, the better chance they have at winning the next go around. Racism is an infectious disease that plagues our public schools and even with all â€Å"bullies will not be tolerated†campaigns. Teachers need to keep a close eye out for students that might be being mistreated or harassed for the color of their skin, the god they believe in or the close they wear. In conclusion, there are many things that a teacher can and should do in order to make international students feel more at home in their class rooms. First and foremost, learn as much as you can about the students culture, this helps go a long way in helping the student. Secondly, when it comes to Saudi students, respect is key, don’t be too assertive if you are a female with male students, if you are a male with female students keep your distance, do not call out your Saudi students if they have, or are suspected of doing something wrong, speak with them in private. Thirdly offer accommodations for language barriers and engage them in some healthy competition to keep them motivated. And lastly, keep an eye out for racism or abuse from abuse from other members of the school.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Creon and Antigone †Victims of Fate Essay Example for Free
Creon and Antigone – Victims of Fate Essay Sophocles put a lot of layers of meaning in his Creon and Antigone. For ancient Greeks these great tragedies were not only an entertainment, but they also possessed a lot of philosophical meaning which made people think about many different problems. When reading Sophocles’ play Antigone we get into a difficult life situation together with main characters, think about their choices and possible consequences of their mistakes. We can see two different systems of beliefs, two different worlds presented by two main characters Creon and Antigone. Creon is a carrier of the state power; he expresses obedience to his fate and obedience to the state laws. He is driven by the burden of responsibilities put on him by his high position. We see that he is ready to forget about his feelings and emotions in order to perform his duties. â€Å"Kings, my girl, have other things to do than to surrender themselves to their private feelings†he says to Antigone during their talk (Sophocles 42). He can not influence his destiny and it seems that everything is predetermined for him. Antigone is a complete antipode of Creon. She is lively, impulsive, enthusiastic and counts on her feelings and emotions. She can break the limits of the state laws and even does not feel guilty for that. â€Å"I didn’t say â€Å"yes†. I can say no to anything I think vile, and I don’t have to count the cost. But because you said yes, all that you can do, for all your crown and trappings, and your guards- all that you can do is to have me killed†(Sophocles 45). She is driven by completely different motives and her inner truth is more important to her than formal laws and regulations. She makes decisions, which determine her fate. She influences her own life and people around her. Antigone seems free and determine. She makes her decisions and is ready to take responsibility for them. We can find a lot of things, which unite them if we look deeper than just on the surface of the play. Creon and Antigone do not seem so different if we study their personalities better. They both are stubborn; they both are directed by their goals and do not want to step aside. They have different values and look for different things in life but both are ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of these values. Creon recognizes himself in young and passionate Antigone. â€Å"Don’t think me fatuous if I say that I understand you; and that at your age I should have done the same thing. A moment ago, when we were quarreling, you said I was drinking in your words. I was. But it wasn’t you I was listening to; it was a lad named Creon†¦he was thin and pale, as you are. His mind too was filled with thoughts of self-sacrifice†(Sophocles 50). He knows that they are alike, were alike if to be precise. But the burden of state responsibilities has changed his thoughts and deadened his feelings. His ideals were replaced by the obedience to laws and higher power. Like in the most Greek tragedies Creon is dependant on the will of whimsical gods and has little choice. The only his choice is whether to follow his destination or not. Creon makes his choice and obediently follows his fate. Antigone challenges not only social norms, but also her own destiny and will of gods. Antigone easily breaks with her beloved sister when she refuses to help her. She does not forgive her even when Ismene comes to prison and wants to share Antigone’s guilt. The same thing does Creon, when refuses to listen to the advice of his old and loyal friend Polyneices. Both, Antigone and Creon could sacrifice their dear people and just forget about them in the fight for their ideals. Both, Creon and Antigone have their own moral standards and live according to them. Works Cited Sophocles: The Complete Greek Tragedies. Edited by David Grene. 2 vols. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1954-57.
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